Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Since it's maritime day, why not head to the beach for a hurricane! Wife has an art show in Va Beach this weekend. Part of the Neptune Festival there. They haven't cancelled the show yet as it will be a tropical storm or less by then, but the show will be a washout. The shitty part is you don't get a refund if cancelled and the hotel is paid for.

So, might as well go and enjoy being by the ocean! Having lived by the ocean all my life and now living in the mountains, just the smell of the salt air and marsh makes my happy! Smoke, relax, and enjoy!
If u wanna see that it’s working reinfuse that same oil and then test again! If the new number is higher u know it’s working right! If u are in legal state where u can send to a lab then I’d do that to compare the results! Don’t waste the money buying their expansion kit to test flowers! I bought 1 and checked inside box to see exactly what it came with and then checked amazon! Realized for like $50-60 I could get the stuff individually off Amazon and would save $100+ BUT ALSO I WOULD GET ENOUGH SUPPLIES TO DO 100 TESTS FOR THE $60! :d5:
Replying to myself cuz I forgot to add the part about returning the expansion kit and buying it piecemeal from amazon and saving $100 bucks! Still have 75% of my quart of 99% ISO (instead of 10oz bottle) and a big ass bag of 1ml syringes instead of just the 10 that kit has in it! Other thing it has I didn’t buy was syringe filters but I just put the liquid thru a coffee filter before I suck up the lil bit to go into machine!

@DCLXVI if u have a milligram scale, 10 and 1ml syringe and some 99% ISO u can test buds with your tcheck! I can tell u the process required if u decide to test some! :d5:

Replying to myself cuz I forgot to add the part about returning the expansion kit and buying it piecemeal from amazon and saving $100 bucks! Still have 75% of my quart of 99% ISO (instead of 10oz bottle) and a big ass bag of 1ml syringes instead of just the 10 that kit has in it! Other thing it has I didn’t buy was syringe filters but I just put the liquid thru a coffee filter before I suck up the lil bit to go into machine!

@DCLXVI if u have a milligram scale, 10 and 1ml syringe and some 99% ISO u can test buds with your tcheck! I can tell u the process required if u decide to test some! :d5:

Hey @Fermented_Fruitz :pass:

Bought an Ardent awhile back, but still haven't put it to work yet. Can you run MCT oil through the thing twice to make super concentrated oil? Like run a batch and then run a new batch with the same oil thereby making it double?

Will that work or will it make the oil do something funky?
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