I only had one dog that wouldn't
always follow the 'Come" command. Pop took in this Army guy's French Poodle. He was a real French poodle from France. That's where the guy was stationed. He caught some poopy orders and couldn't take him. That dog was nuts!!!! He was apricot colored. He was whatever they call the one just under the regular size poodle. He had MASSIVE separation anxiety. It didn't matter if someone was beside him. As long as someone was leaving, he'd freak!
He liked balls, but would just chew on them. He would not play ball, no matter what I did. He hated me playing with my pitch back set up in the backyard. He would go nuts when I had it set up for fly balls, since there was no way for him to get them. He got beaned one day when he kept rushing the pitch back. Yeah, it beaned him good too! I thought I had killed him with him going into convulsions for a short time......about 15seconds. He did stop screwing with my baseball practice after that!

Pop gave him to a little old lady and I think he liked that life and they both got along well after a while.
I didn't hate the little nutcase, but I sure as hell didn't like him. Mom did hate him. He tore up her blinds in her bedroom when he would freak when Mom N Pop would leave.