Soil amended, microbes have been added, and the Nematodes are nearly completely released..Time for a Night Owl run..
Yeah it's awesomeBTW @Dabber I'm pretty much obsessed with the GLB stuff. Hard to belive such a tiny amount of amendments can make such an incredible difference in bud quality!
I dunno. Are you saying it's because of me?And why might that be??
I've never seeded a whole plant, and I still have more seeds than I will ever use, even after giving lots away. Next round, you might consider pollenating only a couple branches. That way, you get some good bud too.We eagerly await the sea-of-green-in-a-pot.
Oh, I expect you'll get a few girls to select from. I'm not sure how much difference drying makes, but if it does help, it is likely more a matter of maturity inside the seed than dryness itself. Your first seed haul, and perhaps your first orgy pot. A fine result!i hope they germ, i read seeds can germ fresh, they don't need to be dried but it helps i think
I'll have that #orgypot posted up with weekly pictures here if they germ
Good move, UV would never return your $$ back to you like this light will. hope you enjoy it!
Mold and algae on top of the soil of a pot may only be a nuisance depending on the type. Some can cause Crown Rot, Damping off or be a breeding ground for botrytus. It can cause serious troubles on a pot sitting on a surface. The algae and mold will prevent any airflow under a pot not on a stand with an air-gap under it. This may start a anaerobic growth that can lead to root rot. So not all mold is innocuous.Container pot mold is not a issue, ALL of my autopots have it on the top soil and when i used fabric pots without autopots i would get mold on the bottoms of the pots, never was a issue, i'm told its healthy
As for stagnant water, how does that happen in fabric pots? if they are lifted up off the ground or sitting on clayballs (hydroton) this won't happen, its REALLY hard to overwater in those pots
wellllll, it'z like this -> foxtailz are indeed a bitch to have happen , but, the sad fact is that there'z no actual rhyme or reazon to foxtailing, it jus happenz sumtimez so, while def not a dezireable thing, there'z nothin can be done about it, soooo -> yaz takez what yaz getz, be thankful for it & call it good and no, it'z not an jus sux is all, lol ppp
Oh no no no not at all , I was thinking you were implying that it was meI dunno. Are you saying it's because of me?