Grow Mediums Dutch Passion third times a charm !!

Day 49 and all is going well..IMO the plants still seem to be stretching,and this may be why the buds seem kind of slow putting on size...ANN is starting to show some good bud to leaf ratio and she has a pretty big footprint,I think shes gonna get her burst of retarded strength pretty soon,the pics will show what im talking about,I did picture her at every 90 degrees....Nancy is still a bushy beast and is also still stretching,she is also getting a some size to her buds...Heres the pics...Peace Brothers !!!!
These first 4 pics are ANN




The next 2 pics are Nancy...
Speaking of Heart(the band)They are coming to Red Rocks CO,Aug 30 2016,Damn ill miss that concert too !!!


@john0108 ,i was just catching up on your thread and i think they are doing okay,,The DP seeds can take a lot,and i do mean a lot,...You will still end with a harvest to be proud of.I had my first batch of AU's looking so bad i was gonna cut them,but they ended up going another 4 weeks and giving a monster harvest(one plant was stunted from the dog eating half of it as a baby)...Peace !!
@john0108 ,i was just catching up on your thread and i think they are doing okay,,The DP seeds can take a lot,and i do mean a lot,...You will still end with a harvest to be proud of.I had my first batch of AU's looking so bad i was gonna cut them,but they ended up going another 4 weeks and giving a monster harvest(one plant was stunted from the dog eating half of it as a baby)...Peace !!

LOL dogs love weed. My dog ate 4 of my plants and they were 4 weeks old already just starting to explode.. I was speechless at the time.. and PO Hahaha
Hahaha.thats funny @JAYAR ,what we will put up with!!! I created monsters by offering leaves in the first place,I've got a lab mix that will just sit there and graze on it till she chops the main stem like a lumber jack ..another lab mix got into the rosin chips and totally jacked herself.first she threw up then layed down and was shaking for an hour before she passed out,I felt bad for leaving them out...if I run out of leaves,they get PO'ed at me for offering them dried and cured bud...dang dogs
Day 54: All seems to be going well..Southern CO w as hit by a snow storm that pretty much shut everything down for 2 days,including the Hydro store,and damnit if i didnt need something !!! I switched back to the Lucas Formla with the Maxi Bloom since I had no choice..anyway I took pics to compare Ann and Nancy at every 90 Degrees and a couple single shots to show the difference in how they grew...At this point i am convinced that the DP genetics can benefit from multiple Fim/Top pinches done at different times..I plan on confirming this with another batch of automazzars in about 40 days..Well Enjoy and Thanks for dropping in !!!
A few things to make mention of is that from the start,both plants were just about on equal ground as far as height/speed/strength but Ann had a slight advantage which is why she was chosen to be fimmed..after the first fim Anns' side branching went crazy and the height/speed never stopped,still keeping her ahead of Nancy,The second "extreme fim" slowed her growth temporarily,after the stretch bot plant are about 42 1/2" or 108cm,,Ann may show better bud development due to having less fan leaves using energy or more light getting to the budsites(these are just thoughts),both still have a way to go before the final swell,...stay tuned for more updates