Grow Mediums Dutch Passion third times a charm !!

do you have a favorite style of music? @ProGrow[B]Tech[/B] ?

Techno surely..:coffee:

I'm excited that there are quite a few tech geeks. It's always fun to be able to talk about specs with a knowledgable group!

Yeah..we have some LED tech heads here..their knowledge is astounding.

How long have you guys been doing the site/forum?

Since Jan 2011.
I don't know if you were in the Biz then but Auto's and LED were the two most maligned product in the canna couldn'y post without being trolled.
So we created our own Auto site..with a zero tollerance policy on trolling spamming flaming and bullying..:headbang: Works.

@Mossy sounds like a legend. Very cool community, seems very friendly as well, which is so important for a topic like this.

Yeah..we have had our Times with some LED vendors..probably the most trouble/flam we have had on site.......But..
Thankfully..they are not All like that...:d5:..we have some Great ones.
@Son of Hobbes is Admin,he can also answer questions and help with anything you need

Thanks budelee! Nice to meet you @ProGrowTech and thank you for joining us and checking out the site! Let's get headed over to the Live Stoner Chat thread where the interview will take place and say hello to the rest of the community for the pre-party kickoff!

Looking forward to hearing about your lights and services, have been reading and studying up on what you offer on your site!