Indoor Full Circle Adventures in Growing

Update on final weights will be tonight then they will go into jars for 4 weeks for the curing process
Suspenseful waiting at its finest
Awe shit i didnt see this till just now,stand by and ill go do it now....
Alright this is how things turned out for the final weigh in,,lets start first with the natural plant...after chopping all the stems off and weighing she came in at 43.45 grams,ya nothing exciting...the second plant came in at a total of 56.59 and had to be weighed in two pulls,,,the grand total for both is 100.04 grams which is not bad,not amazing by any means but these did finish in about 75 days which is what they are rated at,so a quick growing plant and if it was on a perpetual grow a person could have 3-5 ounces per month( cause im sure they could be grown better)..i give Humboldt Seeds Blue Dream an overall score of 9.2 for ease,speed,and strength..on to the pics ...this journal will become inactive now as i have other strains and journals going,but a Great Big Thank You to everyone who got lost along their way and stumbled into here..hehe...Peace everyone