Indoor Dr. Babniks Botanical Garden - My AFN News Journal

Doc they are very damn pretty!! Feed them the same.. There autoflowers, so the they auto bloom is when you change the nutes .. Read the plants Doc they will talk to you..
Such a nice green with fast buds.. I think there perfect!!!
So...should I change when I see the main cola start forming?
That would be now for many plants.

They get a lot of goodies. Big Plant Science gives us much good stuff.
One thing that is still not clear to me, is when to switch to bloom nutes.

With Big Plant Science, there is no change. We use Power House and Micro Power throughout, just adding Stimulus and Bud Explosion during bloom.

Whith Advanced Nutrients Sensi, I do not know or understand all arguments. Some say switch when the girls show sex. Others says when streching stops. And even others use Sensi Bloom throughout.

I think, since there are distinct grow and bloom products, one should use grow until the plants stop growing, the. Switch to bloom nutes. It is a logic thought, not an educated guess or empirical observation.

What's the reason for using Sensi Bloom throughout the grow?

Looking forward to a discussion @XxxAuto @witchyhour @derek420colorado @tripaholic88 @The Elvis @HashMaster
I don't use Sensi Bloom. From what I've seen, you start switching to bloom food as the plant goes into pre-flower, using both grow and bloom foods for a few days.

Also, Advanced Nutrients has a customer service number on the box. If you call them, they'll go over their nutrients and how/when to use it. I actually called them once and they're great amd very helpful.

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Before i use the TaNgs easy feed schedule... Sensi Bloom from day 10 to finish. That works absolutely great too my girls !

Btw... nice bounding plants
Thank you. As soon as i got the point of leveling the main stem, it is quite easy to shape them. I am not very handy, so deep concentration and working slowly while considering the position of each branch.

As I am more a teoretician than technician (a technician wouldn't break a plant - once my professor sat my labjournal on fire, while demonstrating how good his lab skills was...or wasn't anymore), I am very happy to learn a lot about the plants anatomy and the action of auxin hormons.
This branch is too low.. it needs to be level with all the others
and do you see the 2 colas at 10 and 12 oclock in the pic below? wrap them around the pot more to make the plant more symmetrical, your gonna need the space when she starts piling on the buds on the cola that is at "10 o'clock" keep the white tie you have on her but put another one at the node above it and use that string/tie to sway the cola to the left more

, I am very happy to learn a lot about the plants anatomy and the action of auxin hormons.
yup auxins is the main thing we are manipulating to benefit us and the plant
Hey Doc,

I use the same throughout no matter what I'm using because they are not an expensive exotic hard to grow decorative plant in a hothouse, they are just a weed.....

And the nute companies are in business to make a profit. There really is no need to have 6 or 8 or 10 bottles for just a weed.... but they will tell you there is.

I can grow just as good a crop using only blue grit throughout as I can mixing 8 bottles.

The only thing I change for veg / bloom is the spectrum. And I do that when they show sex as I like to stretch under a different spectrum than most.

My current grow is a goat shit grow. They were fed goat tea at 3 days old. They will still be fed goat tea when they hit 3 weeks old, and for Stone's gear which I plan on taking long they will still be getting goat tea at 3 months old.

Only the strength and volume will vary.

Now, tell that feed schedule to someone at a nute company and then sit back and listen to how the N P K is all wrong and how there will be this deficiency and that excess and these problems.... but you know what, I would bet none of them could even keep a seedling alive in it and yet I already know what to expect for my end harvest.

As @The Elvis said.... reading plants is the key.

Once you master that you can use or do pretty much anything you want to do with these weeds.

Some can do it that way.... some see the need for 10 different bottles.... neither way is right, and neither way is wrong.... Do whatever works for you.


GLAD TO SEE YOU @HashMaster !!!!!! how you been brotha?
They were last week.. just one spot of mold so far. I'm expecting more tho, it always happens here.
But why are your plants so late?
The outdoor people here harvested in september.
Hey Trip ! :pass:

Stayin busy... had to strip all my buildings for the tax man visit anyway so I decided to clean house a bit.

Sold off all my light movers and equipment and about 95% of my lights.

Lots of very happy local growers here now !


How you been doin Bro ?

Got any shroom threads going ?
nice man! im dong great, i just won sept BOM comp and am sitting on about 13oz of grade-A pot and about 12 oz about to be harvested spread out over the next 30 days. and yes! i got a shroom log going, ill tag ya brotha!