They got out too late.
Have you heard their story?
They were my first plants, White Widow Auto, I had ordered. After 100 days, not a single pistil was seen. So, I looked up the order, and found out I had ordered photos. We had a lot of fun with that, story,
@XxxAuto. That was June, I think.
If I had done it right or wasn't stoned while shopping, they would have been harvested now. Please try again next year. Still shopping while stone, I but double check each strain before Add to Cart and check again before Confirm Order.
I will spray with an ethanol sol'n tomorrow, it the mysterious pain goes away. Should I remove them from the greenhouse again? We can expect subzero temperatures soon. Statistically, first night frost occurs on day 279, that is Oct. 6. I am not very hopeful after reading weather stats last night and less hopeful now, getting these pics.