Indoor Dr. Babniks Botanical Garden - My AFN News Journal

But it was There. In the it hadn't expressed..but it was Always going to show up...:coffee:..Think of it like the Ginger day it is going to show up.

The Danger in genetics is not the Traits you see is what you are Rolling that you can't See. :headbang:

Oh i knew it was always in there but i thought that i had them homozygous enough to keep it from coming out. Boy was i wrong...its almost like its throwing a middle finger at me after 6 years of work lol.

Im not going to say danger, but i will say the surprise was nice to see. But you are correct if the geno expresses its phenotype one way it does not mean that all the other stuff that makes it up goes away. Its still carrying things from its past...

Maybe 4-5 Hours ahead of you...I was going to bring it into Admin but Dr. B had Tagged you in...:coffee:..why spoil his Surprise...

Ha funny how that all works out and i agree it was something special for him to share with me. Hes got a rare one over there. I can even tell him what to expect with the smoke. If that came out its hard to tell what else came out of there.

I Did laugh me bits off try and knock the colour out of them...:kiss:


Im sure that you did, almost like old times really when id see something that people were getting with color and i sat over here in a sea of green. Should be interesting to see if i can knock the color back out. I got a feeling i may not be able too...

@FullDuplex would the coloured male have been choosen under your normal selection scheme ?

Yes and no, i would have branch pollinated with it to see the results and then used a colorless male for the open pollination. now i know that an open pollination was done on that selection so there could be all kinds of fun stuff coming out. Typically i hand pollinate during all my selections until i see what i really like and them ill open them up for seed production.

im glad @briman choose that male, i think we talked about the color back when he did it but i honestly didnt think it was strong enough to bounce the next generation around like that.

It is much, much more complicated than that. Very few traits are transmitted by pure dominant-recessive genetics, like Mendel's peas.
And plant chromosomes are more complicated than animal chromosomes.

Im starting to see this and it also explains why we see so many variations when we make new crosses. I can tell you one gene that becomes like cancer once you breed it in. Thats the damn auto gene, what ever that trigger is comes out in dominance quick, especially if you have a line that is strong in the rudi gene.
Terpene synthases from Cannabis sativa

Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) plants produce and accumulate a terpene-rich resin in glandular trichomes, which are abundant on the surface of the female inflorescence. Bouquets of different monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are important components of cannabis resin as they define some of the unique organoleptic properties and may also influence medicinal qualities of different cannabis strains and varieties. Transcriptome analysis of trichomes of the cannabis hemp variety ‘Finola’ revealed sequences of all stages of terpene biosynthesis. Nine cannabis terpene synthases (CsTPS) were identified in subfamilies TPS-a and TPS-b. Functional characterization identified mono- and sesqui-TPS, whose products collectively comprise most of the terpenes of ‘Finola’ resin, including major compounds such as β-myrcene, (E)-β-ocimene, (-)-limonene, (+)-α-pinene, β-caryophyllene, and α-humulene. Transcripts associated with terpene biosynthesis are highly expressed in trichomes compared to non-resin producing tissues. Knowledge of the CsTPS gene family may offer opportunities for selection and improvement of terpene profiles of interest in different cannabis strains and varieties.

Full paper in pdf
Funny you guys mention wife is a redhead.

Genetics are awesome, so on my side of the family most the men are dark haired and brown eyed...period then my cousins fucked that up.. This is the faternal side too...So my grandmother on that side is blue eyed grand pap was brown. Both both boys were born with brown eyes, my father married a brown eyed woman so certainly my eyes were brown. My uncle married a BLUE eyed woman and BOTH of his kids are blue eyed. The gene came back out he was carrying from my grandmother....funny thing same exact thing happened to me. Married a blue eyed ginger, and my first boy is BLUE eyed just like the pattern would show.
Yes, my male had colored pollen sacks. I let mine go to 80 days and were just how I like my plants to finish up. :headbang:
Do you consider the trichs or just harvest after 80 days?
Trichs are milky and unless adviced otherwise, I would let it go another 20 days.

But again...I know how to grow nice plants, but when it comes to harvest I feel it is a roll of the dice.
@Dr. Babnik ..Sorry for the HiJack..but this has been a Long time coming and it has been a source of great amusement for years between us.

do you mean it's a recessive gene like MC1R (ginger gene)... can lay dormant for generations , but if both parents have gene ... it can pop back up ?

Yes it can. The genetic material is not lost, but may not be expressed for generations. In addition, there is the different genetic mechanism involved. Dominant-recessive and intermediary inheritance in simple Mendelian genetics of eye colour, but most traits are controlled by complex sets of genes, not just one.

Yeah..Over Simplified..but you get the gist..:thumbsup:

Boy was i wrong...its almost like its throwing a middle finger at me after 6 years of work lol.

No..just Mother Nature showing her True's a kind of Magic.

But you are correct if the geno expresses its phenotype one way it does not mean that all the other stuff that makes it up goes away. Its still carrying things from its past...

Every cross carries all of it's Ancestors...:headbang:..the Talent is being able to Spot them arriving.

Ha funny how that all works out and i agree it was something special for him to share with me. Hes got a rare one over there. I can even tell him what to expect with the smoke. If that came out its hard to tell what else came out of there.

Me Too..I can't just smell it..I can Taste it...:biggrin:

Im sure that you did, almost like old times really when id see something that people were getting with color and i sat over here in a sea of green. Should be interesting to see if i can knock the color back out. I got a feeling i may not be able too...

Funny you guys mention wife is a redhead.

Genetics are awesome, so on my side of the family most the men are dark haired and brown eyed...period then my cousins fucked that up.. This is the faternal side too...So my grandmother on that side is blue eyed grand pap was brown. Both both boys were born with brown eyes, my father married a brown eyed woman so certainly my eyes were brown. My uncle married a BLUE eyed woman and BOTH of his kids are blue eyed. The gene came back out he was carrying from my grandmother....funny thing same exact thing happened to me. Married a blue eyed ginger, and my first boy is BLUE eyed just like the pattern would show.

:headbang: I Trait check all the is Compulsive..Infinitely Interesting.

Thank you for Sharing @Dr. Babnik ...:bighug:...I'll stop my Gossip now...
But again...I know how to grow nice plants, but when it comes to harvest I feel it is a roll of the dice.

Top Tip with the Afghan dominants is..harvest Milky for an Energy Up High..

Harvest Amber for a deeply Narcotic high..:headbang:..If you are a Med want Both...
Milky for day time..Narcotic for Deep Restful Sleep..:dragon8:
Do you consider the trichs or just harvest after 80 days?
Trichs are milky and unless adviced otherwise, I would let it go another 20 days.

But again...I know how to grow nice plants, but when it comes to harvest I feel it is a roll of the dice.

I take the WJ at milky..they amber up heavy in the cure. 80 days is a long time for them and i dont think i have taken any that long in the past on this line.

I used to go by trics alone until i noticed how much they changed in the cure. I like to watch the pistils and when most have receded ill take them.
@Dr. Babnik im with @Mossy here, sorry for the HiJack.

We have bantered, joked, teased, and i think i may have even dreamed of the day i saw a color in the that its here im in for a few more years of .."hey remember when Dr. B got that black Jem and you didnt" LMAO.:crying:
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@Dr. Babnik im with @Mossy here, sorry for the HiJack.

We have bantered, joked, teased, and i think i may have even dreamed of the day i saw a color in the that its here im in for a few more years of .."hey remember when Dr. B got that black Jem and you didnt LMAO.:crying:

ROFL :bighug:
@Dr. Babnik ..Sorry for the HiJack..but this has been a Long time coming and it has been a source of great amusement for years between us.

Yeah..Over Simplified..but you get the gist..:thumbsup:

No..just Mother Nature showing her True's a kind of Magic.

Every cross carries all of it's Ancestors...:headbang:..the Talent is being able to Spot them arriving.

Me Too..I can't just smell it..I can Taste it...:biggrin:

:headbang: I Trait check all the is Compulsive..Infinitely Interesting.

Thank you for Sharing @Dr. Babnik ...:bighug:...I'll stop my Gossip now...
Oh, don't be sorry!
Fun to read your discussion.

Just too bad it can't be preserved. I have 3 seeds left - will be fun to see if they comes out as FD wants them.

@tobe gave me some of his strains and the discovery of Autoflower Portal triggered a desire to depart from commercial seed companies to independent breeders.

AFN should have a seed shop for the breeders.