Looks nice Doc.. she looks pretty well cooked to me! [emoji1360]
Thrips big time!:smoking:Hey Dr. B' -- I think she's done too,.. like brother Trip' said, at peak harvest time, there will always bee some new calyxes formed with clear trich's, it's the overall color of the trich's that are the best measure-- cloudy/milky is peak ripeness,... amber color indicates they have begun the degradation of THC into CBN (plant does not make CBN specifically), which gives in part that heavy, sleepy effect... it's best not to go only by leaves color/degree of breakdown, and this plant is a good case of why; I can see she took up a lot of extra N, from the deep green of the leaves, and overall minimal draining of fans for their nutes,... keep in mind, N is taken up whether the plant needs it or not, and gets stored... sometimes to excess and then comes the N toxicity, minor symptoms of which I see in the leaves clawed tips,...
Was this plant hammered by thrips? I see a shit-ton of fine speckling that could pass for thrip scarring,... but sometimes Ca defc. can make similar markings!
..Auto transplanting is very much a skill, but it can be done with minimal negative effect,... Sweet Tommy and Jayp did a grow a couple years back, and their plants underwent 1-2 pot changes depending on size,... timing, technique and experienced eyes are key to choosing when and how, well before root cramping but not too soon before the roots can spread well inside the pot,...having the soil at just the right moisture level to maximize cohesiveness helps prevent crumbling during transfer, which thrashes the roots and leads to stunting,... also, when making the transfer, use the exact same pot they are in to make a perfect fit hole in the new pot for them to slip into.. again this helps prevent any crumbling away of soil to fill in uneven places; simply start filling the new pot with soil, then drop older pot in and fill around it, then remove-- voila'! A perfect fit baby!![]()
Water it is for 2 WCOG indica and a Green Crack of the AN group!
The so called WCOG indica is actually very little indica. It's a sativa. It is my other WCOG that are so extremely sativa.
Hey - i think the plants (AN) that are heavy infested with trips are killing them slef slowly, hence they look more mature.
The Plants that are not so infested BiG Plant Science plants are just still producing maby its time to start lowing the base feeds and addetives and let the plants use up internally stored nutrients and swell up.
The plants are in the same tent room right ? If so it's pretty crasy that trips just love the AN plants that much compared to the BiG Plant Science menu ?
Btw Waira has exelent points on why looking at trichomes is not the best option for jugding when to harvest.