This is going to take quite a bit of time to sort out!

I have started on what I think is the driest one and she is dry enough.
As a test run, I've only done a two small branches and I got a huge pile of seeds. And naturally they are all at different stages of maturity.
It's going to be quite a
lot of seeds to go through!
But I have to get to that point first! I'm gonna have to do this in stages.
First stage will be plucking all the big leaves off the branches. That's pretty easy because they are nicely dried. That material that I pluck off will go into one pile which will probably just go into one of my totes.
Second stage will be removing the seeds from the buds.
I've got that worked out quite well. I'm pretty much just going to play like I am making charas! I rolled the bud between my two palms and the seeds fly out. There's not really any seeds left in the bud material and I'm putting that material aside for making some green dragon Alcohol extraction. At the end of this stage, I'm going to harvest the chara that is on my palms. Just from the test, I can see that it's going to be a nice little chunk.
3rd stage will be removing the "chaff from the seed". Same thing, that material will be set aside for the green dragon.That's relatively easy using one of my large saucers with ridges. Kind of some gold pan action.
4th stage will be removing the obviously immature white seeds. Static electricity seems to work well with that.
And the final stage will be sorting out the darker seeds from the really mature. That's what will be most of the time consuming work. I think I'm gonna try to find a white tray of some sort or saucer so that the color of the seed stands out more. I have only going to take the
most dark and striped up beans available.
Even with taking only the absolute most prime beans, there's gonna be a ridiculous amount.