New Grower World of Seeds "Sugar Mango Ryder" ....

Could you tell me how smells SMR's? Cutrus, mango or banana?

At this point all three have very little smell and what there is just smells like weed ... :tiphat:
It's hard to get the soil thoroughly wet all the way to the bottom in an airpot which makes it tough to take full advantage of the benefits of an airpot ... I'd settle for a 3 gal plastic pot with an airpot bottom installed for superior drainage ... The soil I'm running is a little too light for an airpot. I thought the cooler temps would make it work out but I guess the pot is working too well ... the idea is to get more O2 to the roots and they are doing that ... I just need to water more thoroughly and more often ... I usually overwater rather than run them dry .... I would imagine being run to the point of wilting is hard on a plant and I would think it would accent any deficiency problems the plant might be having ... wish I had a new Arizer coming in the mail ... I hope your gf likes it ... learning to vape can take some time but it's a whole different high ... at least for me. Welcome aboard 'G' ... just in time to catch the deficiencies w/ me ...
Nirvana's Jock Horror ... 5 weeks ...

Hey, whats up my man. She is lookin fresh man.
I notice though, that you said you tend to over water vs run them dry. I know the rule and thumb is getting to dry does less damage then over watering. With cannabis anyways. I know from my personal tid bit of experience. My plants always responded better to getting to dry, then to wet. From the looks of it though, I dont think your over watering that much lol, because they look great man. :Sharing One:
Visited grow ... all three plants badly in need of water after less than 2 days ... I may wrap the pots in tinfoil to reduce evaporation ...
Jock Horror on Left ...

Wish mine would finish in 54 days ... :tiphat:
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Picked up some 4 gal pots ... I'll put the airpot in the pot and fill w/ soil ... that should solve the 'pot drying out too quick' problem ...

or would it make better sense to take them out of the airpots and plant them in the 4 gal pots ... ?

if so ... is it easier to remove the airpot when the soil is dry or when it's damp ?

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I think you've got the right idea with shrouding them to keep them from evaporating too much, but is it possible to put maybe a container of water in front of your fan to help maybe keep the humidity up that way?? Or, is it possible to pick up a humidifier and put it on the timer with your lights, so that it only comes on during the light cycle?? I know RH goes up when the lights go out, so I doubt you'd have to worry about it then.. I got my humidifier for $15 from Walgreens, and I think they have some that are a little bigger or better/last longer for a little bit more..
Oh, and to answer your question about the airpot, I would think they'd be better to work with wet, so when you peel it back, the dirt stays put.. I know when I've harvested with my airpot, I've done it when they're dry, so I can move it easier and disassemble easier, but I use rockwool. I think it'd be the opposite for soil..
When my plants are as large as yours I can blow through 1.25-1.5gal every other day with very little run-off. I am going to try more water (1.5-2.0gal) next time I use 5gal air pots because of salt build-up from FF nutes. A gallon every other day for a 3gal air pot during flower is not to bad if you have good drainage. I don't transplant autos but others have with good results, I recomend dry not wet soil to switch pots.