New Grower World of Seeds "Sugar Mango Ryder" ....

A couple full frontal pics ...

Week 3 ...

Jock Horror ...

Sugar Mango Ryder ...

Sugar Mango Ryder ...

Leaf spot on smaller SMR ...

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Raised the light a couple inches and put it on a 20/4 schedule ... so far so good ... pots are drying a little too fast for my water every 4 days schedule ... smallest SMR is showing the most bud sites and has almost caught up w/ the others ... tied all three center cola's down but they had all turned towards the light w/in hours ...
Jock Horror is far left plant ...


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Does anyone know any tricks for giving the soil in an airpot a good soaking ? I get the feeling that about 25% of the soil in my airpots has never been wet ... I like to know that I have wet every nook and cranny to encourage the roots to spread further and to give me longer between waterings ... if I had a bucket that just fit if I slipped it over the airpot I could water them in those and let them sit long enough for the soil to get good and wet ... any tips would be appreciated ...
Does anyone know any tricks for giving the soil in an airpot a good soaking ? I get the feeling that about 25% of the soil in my airpots has never been wet ... I like to know that I have wet every nook and cranny to encourage the roots to spread further and to give me longer between waterings ... if I had a bucket that just fit if I slipped it over the airpot I could water them in those and let them sit long enough for the soil to get good and wet ... any tips would be appreciated ...
Hi Chester! First off, great looking plants you've got there!
As for the airpot soaking tips, I don't know that submerging them is a best practice. The soil shifting and likely compaction from being submerged... I'd personally avoid it.
I've found 2 things that really help with getting a full saturation on my airpots. 1) Watering in at a really slow pace (It can take 15 minutes to finish feeding mine, just because I water a little, wait a little, repeat until done..) and 2) use a wetting agent-Like AN Wet Betty or some use a plain detergent (in very small amounts- like a drop or 2 per gallon.. That agent will change the surface tension of water (basically eliminates its ability to bead up..) so the water can flow without restriction, which will assist in saturating the entire soil substrate. Its been working for me :) Best to you in your grow!
WOW man thats some sexy looking sugar mango man. Commin in your grow a little late, but in for the rest of the ride man.

Definitely excited to see you girls swell up with buds.:Growing::karma Cloud:
2nd on the water wetter agent, for simplicity I use 1 droplet of plain old cheap dish soap / hand soap. The cheaper usually the better because ya do NOT want antimicrobial of any kind :) this is because it can theoretically kill the beneficial microbes and probiotics :)
Totally agree with waxi and the crew...I too have used the soap and it def helps. ..pulling up a ring side seat to watch u KO these girls! Sending some bud luck ur way...soo far they look great and will only get better from here. :)
Stay glossy
My friend!
Thanks for the tips guys ... I have some 'Wet Betty' so it looks like WB and watering slowly for the win .... I was pretty sure that soaking the pot was not a good idea since I run my soil extremely loose ...

Any idea what Wet Betty will do to the ph of the water ... :dance2:
Week Four ...

By using Wet Betty and watering slowly I was able to get the pots to hold an extra 1/2 gal of water. They were very dry after 3 days and I won't be back for 4 so hopefully the extra water will hold them over. Plants look great and show amazing vigor ... The runt has caught up to her sisters and currently has the most advanced bud sites ... While all three are the same height the Jock Horror is just a little bushier than the other two ...
Jock Horror is on the left ...

Looking really good, sending good grow karma your way.