In honor of my now late father who moved from the corn belt to the Colorado Rockies to be a mountain man :)
Your dad sounds lile a cool dude. Thats the wife and my dream, to one day do just that and move to the rockies and start a little semi self sufficient homestead. Like Hank says " we make our own wine and grow our own smoke too, ain't to many things these old' boys cant do, ...... A COUNTRY BOY CAN SURVIVE!
My name is a simple one. When trying to come up with a name I was of course smoking 420. I was kicked back in my office chair, I'd always told everyone I was a Dick my whole life, so I went with Dick420 and it wasn't allowed. So I changed the D TO an S. Simple as that..So Now Dick's a Stick or is that "Stick's a Dick" something like that.
When in grade school, we were all asked what we would like to grow up to be. I said a "Mad Scientist" even today my mates from that time remind of that... LOL
What's In A Name :pass:
Took Greyarea from the best "coffee" shop in Amsterdam :coffee: :baked:
Mine came from my job. No, I am not an Engineer but, I was a Design Draftsman. Felt like an Engineer when I was given The NASA Space Shuttle Engine Pipe to redesign after the Columbia exploded and all others in my Group, CVI (Cryogenic Vacumn Insulated Pipe Co.) had no idea how to take the Pratt Whitney Engine Pipe and figure out the angles! LMAO all these guys even our Lead Designer had to be taught by me how to figure out the Geometry!

And, yes! The Shuttle took off and returned thereafter just fine!
In 1632 famous Italian scientist Galileo Galilei found himself in trouble for going against the Church's scientific beliefs.
Saying exactly what he meant would've meant jail or worse.
Instead, he wrote a book Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, in which an apparent simpleton, Simplicio, asked probing questions about science that actually contained the science, while simultaneosly ridiculing the established false beliefs.

I've always had a soft spot for those who aren't afraid to say that the emperor has no clothes.
back in the day I used to deal a little hash, not for profit just to cover my supply so I smoked for free. Since I didn't want everybody associating my real name with my hobby I came up with Roger Dee. It was real helpful out on the street and in bars because if someone I didn't know came up and called me Roger Dee I knew right away what they wanted. I miss those days of free hash.
Arthritis in the back, one collapsed disc, two more bulging discs, arthritis in the knees and a few fingers, tendonosis in the shoulders and left elbow, type 2 diabetes...

<scots accent> Look pal, ah cannae dae that cuz ma boady is bloody banjacked <\scots accent>