To some people the meaning of my name is obvious, but they probably only live in Texas, Louisiana, or Oklahoma. Ha. Spent a large portion of my young adult life on a Jack-up oil drilling platform out in the Gulf of Mexico. My friends call me Flotsam.
Most people ask if my name is the weird little bad guy from the shrek movie ( farquad) No it was actually from a book I loved to read as a kid about jinn and it’s always my go to when I can’t be creative with a handle on anything. Silly I know but it works most times.

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It wouldn't let me use my on screen porno but Iam also a Star wars fan...I am far from becoming a Jedi at this venture.
Just playing with words, basically.
For lack of better terms, mine is a lame mix of my favorite bike (Ducati) and one of my favorite "live performance" albums (Dichotomy).
Sounds like a stoner's version of a scene from "The Princess Bride", I know, but the latin I use for most other usernames would have betrayed my anonymity.
Mine came as an answer to an existential question i wasn't even searching for!
(it was profound at the time, i was pretty high.)
Mine was just some stupid name I tossed up and wish I would have went with my child hood nic name.