This is a great thread, fun to read some of these stories. As for my own name, it's fairly simple, perhaps a bit unoriginal. I live in Alaska (obviously) and I am a bluegrass musician (also obvious from the image). . I play dobro/resonator guitar.
When I was trying to register, I came up with a really cool name. It was taken. I came up with another. It was taken. Then another. It was also taken. I was getting kind of ticked off, so I thought to myself "what's the uncoolest name I can think of?", and being someone who came of age in the seventies, I immediately thought of the Junior Samples BR549 parody commercials on Hee Haw. And now I'm stuck with it. But at least I finally got registered!
I had a pair of blue Hee Haw short overalls as a child! That donkey and haystacks printed on them. Lol
Many times on AFN you can read someone's user name and it's very self explanitory, but others you read and say wtf does that mean, or maybe others have a different meaning to the user than you think...

Here is where Atrain comes from:
Anyone here who is prior army should understand. But in army physical training the morning runs are often times split into run groups A,B,C,D fastest being A slowest being D. I was always able to out run 99 percents of the folks in my units. I was placed in an E.O.D unit as company medic and had a SFC in charge of my platoon. In the mornings he would have me run the A group and I would run them til there tongues hung out but it was great excercise. For fun during runs I would literally run A group in circles around the other groups down the road during p.t so when that crazy fucker heard us coming he would start to yell.. "move over soldiers the motha fuckin A train is coming through".. a few months later he changed my name from doc to atrain and from there on out it stuck. My gear was sudsequently labeled with atrain so then after transfers it stayed with me... anyway that's my story .

I sometimes wonder bout folks when reading user names.... where did YOUR username originate?

Grew up being the good girl here in the south. Did everything i was "supposed" to do. Was a repressed Army officers wife for years, achem, not anymore. Had an epiphany in 2013 after my mom died. As my ex-husband's ROTC used to say FIDO! Fuck it drive on!
Now I'm covered in tattoos and growin' weed. Doing what I want to do! My little way of sticking out my middle finger to the "man". NRKgrw = anarchy grow, eh males sense to me anyway.