Hello everybody...
..boo hoo..
..woe is me!!..
...sadness surrounds this mortal shell my life - essence dwells in...

....my tent, my poor poor empty tent...
....so barren, only 2 plants within and soon only a single Strawberry Nuggets remains ...but, that will all change SOOOOOOOOOOOOOON....haha..
....for you see...
...September 1st draws near....
....and the beginning of the END for my fellow competitors haha.
..Zamnesia Northern Lights Auto is the strain...
....growing trees is the game....
...I am not completely sure if I will be continuing with this thread..
...or a new one will begin?...
...but I will provide a link and it will be here in the LED Hydroponic section...
...now, a few lonely pics of a VERY frosty JD..
..and a little Strawberry Nuggets ..
...enjoy this calm before the Storm(of me...winning?).........:smiley1::smiley1:

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