Mephisto Genetics Toof Decay (DWC General Hydro) | HBSS (Roots Organic GBD SuperSoil) | & More (ProMix)

This is a place I'll document my strains randomly.

Here's the run down

Light: 1x Mars Hydro 600 1xMars Hydro 300
Grow Space: 48*24*60inch tent
Soil: DWC, Roots Organic, Promix
Container: DWC 5gal, air pot 3 gal, air pot 1 gal
Seeds: Mephisto Genetics

Toof Decay (DWC-General Hydroponics FloraTrio-5 Gallon Bucket)
HBSS (Roots Organic-GBD SuperSoil-3 Gallon AirPot)
SODK (ProMix-General-Hydroponics FloraTrio-3 Gallon AirPot)
BlueToof (ProMix-General Hydroponics FloraTrio-3 Gallon AirPot)
24 Carat (ProMix-GBD SuperSoil & General Hydroponics FloraTrio [if needed]-1 Gallon AirPot)

Day 1:
SODK (May, 4 2018)
Blue Toof (May, 10 2018)
24 Carat (May, 26 2018)
HBSS (June, 14 2018)
Toof Decay (n/a)

Tried a Tyrone special in Dwc and she was pulled because she wasn't going anywhere fast enough and since all My grows have to be done by mid October, it means we need to just pack it all in as tight as possible. I'm doing this to mostly help out my friend who is not doing well, but I also realized how much I missed this! He needs all the positive vibes possible. I know toof decay works for both me and him, and as we've been able to do the strain in soil in 60 days. hopefully the strain will be done in 70 in dwc. 80 is ok if she's packing on weight.
Our SODK Has some nutrient burn but not toxicity yet, been flushing her out and in another 4 days I will feed 1/4th strength. She's going to be an 80 day strain but she's still getting taller!
Our Bluetoof is doing well, into preflower and going faster than our sodk, she's probably going to be a 65 day strain
24 Carat, She's got some mutation and was originally grown under a viparspectra ir reflector series which I blame the mutation on (that grow light didnt help things at all). First time running her, so feeling lucky and want to just taste her
HBSS is just coming to life but excited for her taste. Shes got a long way to go!

Probably missed stuff but this will do
Good luck MissU!
I love the Roots Organics, I am using the ROGF. Plants love it.

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Good luck MissU!
I love the Roots Organics, I am using the ROGF. Plants love it.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
This is my first attempt. It's what gbd supersoil says to use and if it works well then I'll have to go for it. Only issue is idk if you can even get gbd supersoil anymore (no clue where it is or how I'd recreate it myself)
Thanks for the positive vibes
:greenthumb: Looking great! :headbang:
Thank you, everything is coming together.

Does anyone know where to get gbd supersoil anymore? I haven't seen it on the mephisto page... If not, anyone have a good simple recipe that simply requires mixing in the nutrients into the bottom half of the pot?

I have seen subcools supersoil mix but I want to go on a smaller scale and without the soil My hope is using just like normal feather meal and stuff.

I read this post which seems like it's a modified subcools super soil mix...
My base soil consists of Roots Organics, earthworm castings, perlite, lime, diatamaceous earth, and crushed mosquito dunks as infestation preventative.

Add to that azomite, humid acid, blood meal, bone meal, bat guano, pot ash, and epsom salt to create the super soil. I've taken 5 gallon buckets and placed two gallons of super in the bottoms, then another two gallons of base soil on top of that.

Might make a thread about it...
This round is looking a lot better in dwc. She's (toof decay) getting her roots faster and is already drinking water, in the next few days I'll start feeding nutrients.

SODK (May, 4 2018) day 58
Blue Toof (May, 10 2018) day 52
24 Carat (May, 26 2018) day 34
HBSS (June, 14 2018) day 17
Toof Decay (June, 22 2011) day 10
Last edited:
This time around the DWC is doing well. Toof decay is looking excellent and roots are growing more like they should

SODK (May, 4 2018) day 59
Blue Toof (May, 10 2018) day 53
24 Carat (May, 26 2018) day 35
HBSS (June, 14 2018) day 18
Toof Decay (June, 22 2011) day 11
Planted an original tester white crack today. I figure the blue toof will be done in the next few weeks so getting another one started is a good idea for perpetual. It was planted in promix hp and will be using gh floratrio. So figuring by weeks end another baby will be born. I k so the tent is stuffed but I also figured I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket. Plus white crack is more of a dog strain anyway

SODK (May, 4 2018) day 60
Blue Toof (May, 10 2018) day 54
24 Carat (May, 26 2018) day 36
HBSS (June, 14 2018) day 19
Toof Decay (June, 22 2011) day 12
White Crack (TBA) day TBA