Mephisto Genetics Missy's summer/fall perpetual thread

Thank you for the reply. I am happy to hear you have gotten good medicine.
You're welcome, its early on still and only just dried and not cured.but seems good. Only need a few puffs and I'm good already has a nice white ash so it's nice and clean bud. It only filled 2.5 jars (1 with a main cola or two, one with the broken up bud from the main cola as well as other buds and the current use jar which is about 10 grams of popcorn bud and badly trimmed bud that was ripped apart for use in the vape), but I'm happy with the results. I could easily fit 5 of these sog in my tent if done right and it would mean a yield upwards of 250-300 grams in a realistic (for me at least) 10 weeks. May not seem like much but that is more than enough for me
Time to update, 11 days later. Sorry it is so few and far between I'm focused on my autoseeds grow right now

Double Grape (Sept, 1, 2018) day 43 (definitely will be done by day 65 latest, shes blocking fast)
Sour Crack (Sept, 2, 2018) day 42 ( probably mid 60s to 70 days or so in her but still too early to tell if it will end up pushing through like a freight train)
NCH (Sept, 3, 2018) day 41 (had some nute deficiencies from being super hungry. Fixed a bit late but it now has enough and should be good from here put)
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I need to get some photos online tonight or tomorrow. Double grape and sour crack are done with all orange pistils and all milk trichs. One will be coming down tonight (probably double grape). It was fast from start to finish. I think this is the fastest I've had a plant finish but I also changes up my whole feeding routine which seems to have drastically changed the game

Double Grape (Sept, 1, 2018) day 55
Sour Crack (Sept, 2, 2018) day 54 (she will be done in the next two to five days depending on how she runs)
NCH (Sept, 3, 2018) day 53 (had some nute deficiencies from being super hungry. Fixed a bit late but it now has enough and should be good from here out. Expect a mid 70's harvest)