Grow Mediums Three strains (Mazar, Extreme, Blackberry) - Mars Cree and Plant Photonics Amethyst

Damn, that Extreme really got a beast genetics ! It is HUGE :growing::drool:

Many thanks for the extra video about the tent, it was really, hmm, "educating". :goauto:

Hi Qualityeager999, thanks for stopping by. Yes, she is out of control, at this point almost suicidal. I can't raise the lights anymore, she was still going towards to them to the point where I could see the leaves were suffering...nothing to do though, had to let her do her thing. She is now flowering, so let's hope her size is an indication of the harvest to come :pass:

Wow... that is a real extreme girl... shes XXXXL. Really, really nice growing. Very impressive man.


Thanks Tdam and many thanks for the rep slap:toke: She grew out both of my tents :smoking: I wonder if there is a point for me in trying the big strains, my space is just too limited. This girl alone could fill my bigger tent. But your room man, that's as crazy as it gets. I can't resis to try the Think Bigs, but I think I will have no more than two of those in my tent. Even that will be crowded :biggrin:

anybody have a formula for the nute mix in the reservoir?

Hey Roger Dee, do you mean the one I have? It's just the standard Advanced Nutes mix with everything from them that I could afford :smoking: Check out Tang's easy schedule, or his advanced schedule, that's pretty much what I go with, with minor alterations to fit my environment.

wow that is a beast man lol

Thanks kosherkush for stopping by. Yes, she is big and beautiful :smoking:
Hey hey, update time. We are writing day 50 to 56 for these girls. Things are going fine, but as always, I just had to have some sort of hiccup during the grow. This time (again) with the autopots, but as usual, it was my fault. Long story short: never ever ever! use AN's "Nirvana" in an autopot system. It will clog it all up. The rest of the AN nutes are fine, and Nirvana is fine for hand watering, but its consistency is way to thick for the autopot's small valve. As you can imagine, it clogged mine up, only to notice after two days that no water is being consumed, while it used to be 7L per day. Sure enough, lots of leaves started to look sad, so I had to take everything apart, clean things out, replace the existing water with a new batch -without- Nirvana, and hope for the best. I've been checking the valve now daily, which sort of defeats the purpose somewhat, but oh well. Certainly doesn't help to be lazy at this stage, so I hope the ladies didn't get stunned too much.

The water shortage issue was sometime around last week's Thursday, the only development since then is that all ladies got a little bit of a shave on the bottom :tang::kiss: Popcorn buds had to go, so did all the yellowing fan leaves and useless side growth that won't really become anything anyhow. Better airflow, more light to what's left, and less nutes wasted is what I'm hoping to get out of the trim. Again, hopefully it won't stun them, but I think it should help if anything.

First a few pictures from last week before trimming... In the left corner the Blackberry, she really took off this week, later pictures will show. In the middle is the Extreme, and in the right corner are the two Mazars. They are getting thick.

Blackberry and the Extreme:

Extreme and the Mazars:


Mazar upfront starting to work on the goods for daddy :smoking:

The real colors with no filter:

Blackberry's main cola. She was the last one in the pot, so it makes sense she is a bit behind. It also looks like she has a late growth spur, it's not consistent but she catches up:

Blackberry with a step back...she is reaching the height of the Extreme now, although much less volume in total:

Random shots of Miss Extreme:



And then the above mentioned lower trim :dancer:...I can actually see what's going on down there.

Rest of the photos are from today, so day 56ish. The front Mazar:

Two Mazars chillin' in their very limited space:

Miss Extreme is not gaining weight as fast I was hoping she would. I blame my watering screwup for that. Let's hope she resumes manufacturing soon...

Not all lost though, the main cola should thicken up these next few remaining weeks:



Well that's about it for now. It's weight gain time for the next few weeks, so I'll try to do as little harm as possible from this point on. Checking their water and pot weight will have to continue, I just don't have enough trust in the autopot's valve. It isn't as low maintenance as I thought before, but at least the ladies can drink when they want.

Happy growing to all! :vibe:
:slap: Damm good job Fustipisti, that tent is gonna burst lol.

Thanks John! :pass:

..and since I'm here, let's do an update as well :biggrin:

Day 66 for the Extreme, and Day 60 for the Mazars and the Blackberry. Things are moving along, looks like the Extreme is starting to recover from the water outage issue two weeks ago, and from my removal of the lower leaves. I am pretty sure at this point that the total harvest weight will be somewhat reduced because of it. Regardless, I think none of the current plants are 70-day plants, they will need more time, so I will let them go as long as they want. Summer is here, so I won't be able to start anohter batch until the fall due to the temperatures and travel, so no rush for these girls to get out of the tent early.

Ever since the clogged up autopot valve issue, I've been checking the autopot's water tray daily, and good thing I did, because yesterday it clogged up again. As I'm not putting any AN's Nirvana in there (which has a really thick, molasses type consistency), the only other nute I'm adding that has similar properties is AN's Bud Candy. This time the clog wasn't at either end, but inside the pipe leading from the water tank to the valve. The only cause I could think of is that the pipe is a bit longer than what it should be, so it had small a curve in it where the sugars seem to sit longer than they should and eventually form a clog. So had to adjust the pipe a little bit, but I think overall the water levels must be monitored when adding thick, sticky nutes, definitely not "set it and forget it". I think if I was only adding the based nutes, things would work much smoother.

An overall shot of the tent:

This one's mainly Ms. Extreme with BB in the back:

Blackberry is catching up, she grew almost as tall as the Extreme, which is totally unexpected. She is a late bloomer for sure. Now she is making the goods, so growth has stopped. Had to clean her lower leaves a bit as well, although she wasn't nearly as bushy as the Extreme.


Ms. Extreme:



The Mazars are short, but thick. I'm okay with that :baked:


We are chugging along, now it's just a waiting / monitoring until they stop fattening up. Enjoy Sunday and happy growing! :smokeout::vibe::cools:
Fantastic bro the AX is going to be a great yield,i think you could of got away with just her in that tent lol

Thanks bro and many thanks for the :slap: :smoking:

Yes, major learning lesson for me about wanting ever bigger plants. The AX alone would need a 1x1 tent, as it is it's limited in every direction. Would need a taller tent as well, you can see the light damage on the upper leaves - it grew too close to the lights, and I have no way to raise any further. I even lowered the Mars light's power with 50%, the other lights aren't adjustable unfortunately. I am convinced that the harvest will be less as it could be simply because of space.

Next time I'm sticking with the smaller size strains :shooty:
I know what you mean about the size bro my sunrise has filled my 2x2 edge to edge already just glad i lsted the main cola or i would have problems with light height.
Mine only clogged once after about 2 months. What I've done is buy the tubing and fittings online and made up 2 extra hose rigs. I now every 2 weeks, shut off the res valve and swap out the hose assembly as a unit. I soak the previous one in a pail of hot soapy water. I use a 30 ml syringe and push soapy water thru the hoses and fittings then just rinse it all under hot water.Saves a lot of aggravation and if you find a clog, you can have the system running again in 2 minutes.

Thanks John! :pass:

..and since I'm here, let's do an update as well :biggrin:

Day 66 for the Extreme, and Day 60 for the Mazars and the Blackberry. Things are moving along, looks like the Extreme is starting to recover from the water outage issue two weeks ago, and from my removal of the lower leaves. I am pretty sure at this point that the total harvest weight will be somewhat reduced because of it. Regardless, I think none of the current plants are 70-day plants, they will need more time, so I will let them go as long as they want. Summer is here, so I won't be able to start anohter batch until the fall due to the temperatures and travel, so no rush for these girls to get out of the tent early.

Ever since the clogged up autopot valve issue, I've been checking the autopot's water tray daily, and good thing I did, because yesterday it clogged up again. As I'm not putting any AN's Nirvana in there (which has a really thick, molasses type consistency), the only other nute I'm adding that has similar properties is AN's Bud Candy. This time the clog wasn't at either end, but inside the pipe leading from the water tank to the valve. The only cause I could think of is that the pipe is a bit longer than what it should be, so it had small a curve in it where the sugars seem to sit longer than they should and eventually form a clog. So had to adjust the pipe a little bit, but I think overall the water levels must be monitored when adding thick, sticky nutes, definitely not "set it and forget it". I think if I was only adding the based nutes, things would work much smoother.

An overall shot of the tent:

This one's mainly Ms. Extreme with BB in the back:

Blackberry is catching up, she grew almost as tall as the Extreme, which is totally unexpected. She is a late bloomer for sure. Now she is making the goods, so growth has stopped. Had to clean her lower leaves a bit as well, although she wasn't nearly as bushy as the Extreme.


Ms. Extreme:



The Mazars are short, but thick. I'm okay with that :baked:


We are chugging along, now it's just a waiting / monitoring until they stop fattening up. Enjoy Sunday and happy growing! :smokeout::vibe::cools: