Grow Mediums Three strains (Mazar, Extreme, Blackberry) - Mars Cree and Plant Photonics Amethyst

Hey Fusti at day 27 my Mazar's were only 230mm and 200mm and they ended up at 1140mm and 640mm. they may surprise you yet...

Hey John, you were correct, they did take off a little bit, not too much yet. That's okay though, my TD wasn't much larger either and it produced fine. Should be interesting what the mazars will give :smoking:

Looking good bro i am subbed to see that monster take off

Thanks for joining 2Stoned2Care! The monster took off, and it ran me out of space big time. I'll show in the update in a bit...
All right, day 37 for the AutoExtreme, and day 31 for the Mazars and the Blackberry. The event for the week was that around Wednesday I've realized that I can no longer host the BB and the Extreme in my small tent, it was simply out of space. Bad idea to put a plant like the Extreme into such a small tent. As a matter a fact, I've decided that my small tent will be used as a drying tent exclusively from now on. It's just not really practical, its size is too limiting. So Thursday night I've moved the autopot with everything attached over to the bigger tent, and that seemed to help a bit.

Here is the tent now, with the BB suffering on the left side of the Extreme. Was quite weird to see during the move that its a plant that only has growth on its left side, the right side looks like was growing along a wall - the wall of the Extreme. On the right of the Extreme are the two Mazars.

Here is the poor BlackBerry trying to make something happening next to it's bully neighbor. I'm actually impressed how it managed to collect itself after I gave up on it rudely. This dual autopot system is going to be trashed, it's just stupid. I must get individual pots.

The Extreme is certainly enjoying itself. It's around 110cm today, and drinking about 10L every 2-3 days. By far my tallest plant so far.

Tall enough that I can no longer raise the lights above it to the required distance, they are at the max. I can tell from its top leaves that the light is too strong, they are all closing up to reduce the exposure. Nothing I can do about it though, the tent is 150cm tall total, the light is supposed to be around 50-60cm from the top cola, so there you go, with 110cm it's already too close to the light. I suspect it will stop growing in height soon, after all it's day 37 for it, but we'll see what happens. In the future I really need to top / scrog giant strains like this.



The Mazars are okay for now. I thought they will be dwarfs, but I was wrong. I managed to overwater a little bit - the curse of handwatering. I will definitely try them again in autopots in the future, just to see how much does it matter when a plant is handwatered (improperly probably) vs. the automated valve system. I'm curious to see if the go bigger - I suspect yes. But other than that, they are healthy.



So overall the ladies are happy, and slowly moving into flowering now.
Good luck dude! Im subbed if u dont mind. I have bluenazar close to hervest mine is over 1m tall as well she surprised me, when once i opened the door and she touched the cooltube i had some light burning on this pariod as well she grew as crazy! But i have nice and really hard buds as a stone!
Good luck with the rest of your grow!
Holy shit now i am scared to use my autopot hahahahaha huge plant and still got lots of growing thats awesome bro.i will be asking for tips bro if you dont mind
Man I just want to go ahead and warn you that AutoX will fill up your whole tent, they get HUGE! If you are running into space issues already I would switch her over to a bloom schedule of feeding or try your hand at some LSTing because that lady still has a lot of growing to do if you let her(just check out my AutoX grow in my sig lol). Sending super grow Karma your way
Day 33 for the AutoExtreme, and Day 27 for the Blackberry and the two Mazars. Everyone is doing okay. The Blackberry looks like will stay a dwarf. The Extreme is doing what its name suggests, it's taking over the tent, and drinking like a sailor. Good thing it's an autopot, I'm pretty sure I would've ruined it by now by underwatering.

The Mazars are okay, they are progressing at identical phase. They won't be too big either, but they will pay their electricity bills in the end :smoking:

Small tent, left side is the BB, rights side is the Extreme, not hard to guess :biggrin:

The BB decided not to die out and to try to grow a bit, but she is going to stay small:

The Extreme is the highlight of all four plants. It already has a smell, I predict it will parfume the house up during flowering :biggrin:



Then the two Mazars. They are cute, nothing major, they are picking up a bit. They'll be mid producers I think, but no real deficiencies, so far so good.

This one on the right side is the weaker one, but she isn't giving up so far:

The one on the left seems to be doing a bit better than its girlfriend:

Few more shots of them:


Your auto xtreme is a beast bro, well done
Good luck dude! Im subbed if u dont mind. I have bluenazar close to hervest mine is over 1m tall as well she surprised me, when once i opened the door and she touched the cooltube i had some light burning on this pariod as well she grew as crazy! But i have nice and really hard buds as a stone!
Good luck with the rest of your grow!

Thanks dude, and welcome! I was so wrong, I thought she will stop growing towards the light as it gets too strong for her, but not so far. I'm definitely seeing some slowing finally though... We'll see what happens! :smoking:
Holy shit now i am scared to use my autopot hahahahaha huge plant and still got lots of growing thats awesome bro.i will be asking for tips bro if you dont mind

Hey, a big / huge plant is fine by me! I hope the harvest will be huge as well :smokeit:I'm positive I would've ruined this plant without the autopot. She is drinking about 5-7L a day now!
Ask away, I'll do my best to help :thumbsup:
Man I just want to go ahead and warn you that AutoX will fill up your whole tent, they get HUGE! If you are running into space issues already I would switch her over to a bloom schedule of feeding or try your hand at some LSTing because that lady still has a lot of growing to do if you let her(just check out my AutoX grow in my sig lol). Sending super grow Karma your way

I hear ya, it is definitely taking over the tent. Thanks for the tip, yes, I did switch to bloom feeding a few days ago in hopes to slow her a bit. To be honest, I don't really need her to grow much larger. I'd love to see what she can do, but there simply isn't enough space. I may do some LST at least on the main cola if she refuses to stop going towards the lights. I'll definitely check out your grow, thanks for stopping by and for the rep slap! :pass: