Old Reviews The Vapor Chamber Chat Thread.

I went through two Iolites in less than a year.

This replacement is from another replacement from another replacement of the original Iolite that crapped out at 25 months. One month past the warranty. I've had two black, two green and soon a red Iolite all in two-three years.

i used DBV before and now trust only Storz&Bickel, after the Plenty came out. Will be ordering Crafty soon

...had two black, two green and soon a red Iolite...

It must feel good knowing what you need exactly.

Personally i find myself condemned to invent my own vaporizer, since we're still in the dark ages. Any moisture would be nice but i can't stop thinking about emulation of the gas stream in a VaporGenie pipe while burning butane cleanly, never touching the flame.

Actually i believe water vapor generated in the butane-burning process carries a significant amount of additional heat when compared to dry air. Now speaking of which let's have a look at what i got for torid electric-dry mode:



That's a combo. Half HerbalAire, half Arizer Solo - a mutant with a twist...


Somehow it merges together the best in both units. So with a setup like that i don't really need to wonder how its like to use a "perfect" Arizer Solo, as i got something similar with real serious oven capacity.

There are 2 ways to use my torid electric-dry contraption exactly: a) suck grinded material into the Arizer Solo glass bowl; b) drop whole nugget parts into the HerbalAire crucible before insertion on the glass wand. I prefer the later choice but this is wasteful...

I've tried to inject moisturized air into the HerbalAire and it only provided me a glimpse what it could be. Sufficient power in a proper layout should prove stimulating, that would be like a pipe's self-conditioned cannabic vapor without the butane variables.


The dry/moist comparison thing is something i perform routinely as i like to switch between the table vaporizer and my modded VG pipe often, consequently i'm now curious to see equivalent inlet water conditioning implemented, eventually; instead of dry air it would be driven by moist air which required more energy to reach cannabic vaporization temperature because of the water, presumably...

In my portable device the butane gas is transformed into energy carried away by a stream containing CO2 + H2O plus some potential contaminants, in my table unit only dry air is heated externally while there's no such composite stream carrying energy. To conclude i figure an efficiency boost would result from stream vaporisation emulating my pipe though without using butane, dry air is bound to be fainter and dryness renders me genuinely miserable anyway... Imagine an electric/electronic portable!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

BayLee420 said: ...had two black, two green and soon a red Iolite...
It must feel good knowing what you need exactly.

You should be glad BayLee420! The problem isn't a lack of afinity for a specific model, obviously you like your portable. Lucky you!!

Unfortunately there are persons as myself who will react promptly to cannabic dryness and although the iOlite is powered by butane i don't suppose its owners are expected to inhale burned butane exhaust, which implies unlike my modded VG pipe there's no "self-conditioning" effect because butane is excluded from the lungs path. Please correct me if i'm mistaking.

So, just as with a jumbo Solo or anything else electric, even the venerable Volcano or whatever, a guy like me will still need his electric-dry cannabic vapor to be moisturized but much like preservatives it's not exactly the same. I've evaluated post-vaporization moisturizing compared to self-conditioning, one adds water vapor to the cannabic stream while the other generates such a stream as the proper burning of butane performs a transformation where the gas turns into Energy + CO2 + H2O and possibly potential contaminants. It will sound redundant but i thought i'd repeat that again... So, what this implies is it's not the same to vape using my modded pipe where butane is transformed right ahead of the lungs path, compared to dry air that is easier to heat up and hence i gather hot dry air that was easier to heat up also carries less energy as a trade-off. As a result anything dry will be slow, require a water toy and yet never rival with the level of comfort i gain from vaporizing my cannabic bowl with a hot stream (CO2 + H2O): my modded pipe delays discomfort efficiently while water toys only tame down the abrasive element at best. Even with water vapor added something is missing, using the pipe i realize it must be about the carrier instead of the load. A hot stream of moist air heated to ~192 °C or so presumably improves thermalization time when compared to an equally hot jet of air, i'd think it's about energy density. But electric dryness usually comes with slowliness while the benefit of a denser energy stream as cannabic carrier may become evident only if dealing with a VaporGenie or similar pipe where butane is transformed by a burning reaction before it enters the lungs path. 2 very different scenarios.

Briefly put i'd need to install an iOlite on top of water glassware just the same as with my table configuration. Additionally, this wouldn't make the cannabic vapor as pleasant as the pipe does, E.G. being able to withstand it at all, etc. My HA + Arizer Solo hybrid contraption feels so dry i start couphing instantly, stream vaporization appears to improve that situation by providing some additional delay, enough to enjoy a toke satisfyingly. That's a world of difference.

By chance i read lately that a manufacturer will offer a portable vape with integrated water tank. In a couple years maybe i can hope there will be a decent selection of offers, as i'd like my toy to perform near-instant pre-heating, etc. In short, Induction Heat of course!


Meanwhile it is you mister BayLee420 who's lucky to find what's needed, though we could wish you it will gain reliability after a while, eventually. Self-moisturization for the iOlite might even become an option in the future, go figure!

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I got my new Classic Volcano in Dec, 2014 and fell in love with it straight away. Once the 1st bag-full, I usually end up with a little bit of un-vaporized bud left over in the chamber, so I heat it again after the bag is empty making sure nothing is wasted. The taste of the first bag is always wonderfully rich and flavorful; the second batch usually has a taste of heavily toasted bread/slightly burnt, but the quality of buzz seems to be noticeably stronger as well. Has anyone else experienced these Dark Roast Vape reactions? I think i like it.
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in my experience, when "revaping" the beige stuff then the effects are more sedative and intense (intensely sedated). BUT the feeling afterwords is more tired than fresh and rested, when compared to vaping weed for first time.
Very good explanation of what I am experiencing. Thanks!
Hello good friends of the vapour brigade!

I figure its time i stepped into the future and joined your ever expanding gang.
Im looking for something around the £200 mark thats portable and flavoursome!

So far the firefly and the pax 2 have caught my eye.
Pax seems a bit harder to get hold of here in the EU.
Anyone got any alternate suggestions - or ideas of where to purchase the real deal as there seems to be so many knock offs about!

Many thanks for any info you good folk can send my way!