Old Reviews The Vapor Chamber Chat Thread.

I've had my Vapexhale Cloud Evo for nearly a year now and it is the bomb, a truly wonderful vape.
I have a bubbler that fits in the top but you can also run a tube to bong.
I really must do a review for it but always seem to be doing other stuff or posts.
I need to take some pics of my evo but too lazy right now.

I also have a "Blaze" glycerine filled cooler from their "mix and match" range of bongs.
It is truly epic, you put it in the freezer for really icey cool hits.

I still need to buy the water chamber of the bong and bought the cooler first because it was on sale and I couldn't miss the deal!
The male connector on the bottom is 50mm and the glass is 5mm thick!!
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Salutations Pop22,

As you may have noticed i don't lurk around much anymore, probably because i already have found the answers i need most. IMO this is a nearly-definitive one for starters:

Maybe there's little for me to read on-line these days but i have the opportunity to contribute in hope this will benefit to other persons nonetheless. :toke:

I've stopped using screens.

M'well this specific setup has many screens in it actually: 1 to delimit my bowl, 1 that tops it too plus yet another in the plastic tube - that later plastic item being essential in such "Harm Reduction" compatible design as it doubles as an "abuse" visual indicator, etc... So, i'm afraid water vapour which is added later in a bong accessory (past the vaporisation process) just doesn't compare with super-heated steam generated intrinsically by clean butane burning anyway. In other words there's no satisfaction possible for me without the power of fire - or at least the next best thing, Induction Heat eventually!...


In the meantime, honestly i've explored "Plan-B" enough to know what i absolutely require while experimenting alternate methodology which i tagged "µ-Bursting" (for dry flowers) and i sure don't see how a consumer using a slow electric-dry portable would manage even gathering any relevant clue what's it all about for starters... ENERGY & TIME, for example.

Briefly put that customized VG pipe shown above now bridges the gap between plain-old style electric torture machines vs dabbing i'd say. Of course i regret "Plan-A" (IH) still remains theoretical years later, unfortunately - and when it comes to IH vapes please don't even mention the pathetic never-ending Loto labs Evoke farce, by the way!... I personally consider induction is only the begining, not the final goal which is to optimize cannabic vapour release as a function of absorbed energy and it turns out my roasting/combustion spots clearly rarified via my µ-Bursting ritual...

To conclude i'll never return to methods so slow these would imply cannabis-baking, in any case. :tongue:

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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So a couple of weeks ago I eventually got round to ordering a base to go with my Blaze glycerine cooler.
I went for a 8 arm perc (perculator) from Blaze's mix and match range. which have 45mm ground glass joints.
The glass is 5mm thick so is good and sturdy and if looked after properly should last a lifetime.
I was looking to get some ground glass connector joint and a tube to connect my Vapexhale Cloud Evo but I found I could just stick it right in as you see in the pic.
The Vapexhale Cloud Evo is a convection vape and it can easily be use up side down as it is only hot air that heats the herb.
It taste fantastic and vapes like a boss, I'm seriously pleased with this set up.
To use the concentrate tubes supplied with the cloud evo I will need to get the ground glass joints and a plastic tube as the concentrate tubes are open ended and trying to use it upside down would result in the concentrates dribbling out as they heat up.
As sson as I find time I will do a review of the Vapexhale Cloud Evo, it's not like I've had it for over a year now lol (well actually I have but where does the time go eh).
Well, I broke my DaVinci......... and didn't have the money to replace it. So I went looking for something reasonably priced in a middle of the road vape. I stumbled upon a review of the Focusvape, a "cigar style" portable. I decided it was worth the $119 price so I ordered one thru ebay. And I'm glad I did! I've posted a thread on it. I like it so much, I just ordered the Pro model, a small upgrade from the standard model but worth another $20. I found it easy to mod a bit, a can't stand vapes with restrictive/restricted draws. The Focusvape was a bit tight on the draw. The mouth piece has a screen cartridge and a ceramic filter, both of which I removed. I popped the glass mouth piece out and a .375" screen fit perfectly. Doing that, and dropping a second screen on top of the weed in the oven and she draws great! And this made it very bong friendly, even without the bong adapter! I've been fiddling with packing it and have found about a 3/4 fill also increases airflow and bong hits got even bigger! I don't think there is a vape under $200 that will match its quality or its clouds! It will give the Arizer Air a run for its money! In fact, the Air is not nearly as user friendly as even the standard model, and the pro model makes the Air look crude. $259 for the Air and they couldn't put a digital display on it? Does any of these companies using only colored leds realize how many color blind people are being left out or struggle to deal with counting button presses etc? The standard Focus vape, yes, uses leds, but the Pro is only 20 dollars more for a great display.

here's my rig:

Awesome review pop and one I haven't looked at too!
Great write up, If I didn't have my Grasshopper I'd seriously be looking at this!
However seeing as I have become a bit of a vape collector I'll have too look at this a bit more!

The Vape Exhale Cloud Evo, is an amazing vape!! I love mine and it is one of my best ever buys.
The price tags is somewhat outrageous but it does concentrates and flower and is a convection vape so terpene profile is amazing.
I male ground glass connection fits perfectly into the female ground glass connection on my bong and that's how I like to vape with it!

Thanks for sharing this vape review with us, I hope it will be useful to other searcher of a great vape!
Great thread. I have the Solo Arizer and Vapman.

Solo Arizer is my go to, use it everyday. I can pack 0.1grams for a nice "get stuff done" high. Use it when taking pics and updating my journals.

Vapman is awesome, very rewarding user experience when heating the chamber with a butane torch. Hand made in Switzerland.

I'll post some reviews of these hopefully soon.

I bought both from TorontoVaporizer.ca, they tend to have frequent sales, got mine for 15% off.

I was thinking about getting a vapman but its pricey and i got myself a vaponic since it fits easily into any pocket/jacket. Same technique with other material and i really like the result in taste and high. Heard about the guys from Vapman will build a robinson crusoe type of vape u can use without lighter and or electricity just by mechanical heating process.
VAPONIC my choice to go. Have had a few since theres always some collateral damage since its completely made of glass. Besides that i luvit. First we go with some pcitures.


This is how it comes to you, without lighter. You'll need a butan/propane torch for hand heating.

After a couple vapes it looks like this, the resin building up inside is easily wiped of with ground weed and makes an special puff u dont want to miss


U fill up the herb chamber. U can put the mesh stopper in for dry herb/herb with extract/oil on it or you can roll up a little hash sausage in round a pipe mesh that you place inside the glasstube.
It takes practice to get it heated perfect and takes longer for hash vaping. I found out this works best for me:
Keep the vaponic turning/rotating in my one hand an heat it in spiral ways with my other with the torch lighter.
For dry herb i turn it 3 times a second counting 9 sec. first puffs and check hows the steam coming after that depending on how it pulled of i reheat same way but in 3-6 second cycles.
For hash i count 13-16 sec. for the first puff and so on. Luv it.

Edit: The black stopper when you put it inside the hiding pen is vulcanized rubber and can hold your burning hot vaponic without any issue after using it. I like the stealth factor. Most times when i use it quick people dont really get what im doing..


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