AFN Affiliations - 2025

I 100% support the idea of the Amazon affiliate link. Maybe it could be something that other users have tried and had success with. As long as the user doesn’t have his own affiliate link for the product cause you definitely don’t want to be taken away from people that are trying to make a living on YouTube because we all know being a cannabis content creator on YouTube is very difficult.

But other than that, I think it’s a great idea
Maybe to attract more commercial participation in AFN, give companies a reason to consider AFN a source to be regularly checked for market/competitive intelligence. For ex., a moderated (single person or committee as author) section(s)/thread(s) or clearinghouse each month comprehensively reports auto- and growing-relevant company announcements/press releases, new products and services, special offers/discounts, market research studies, maybe some scientific findings, etc. This might open a market of selling B2B advertising for companies to reach other companies, both as suppliers and customers, also investors, contract service providers, inventors, consultants, etc., or publish related online directories (with ads). This would be a great resource for AFN members and the broader community too. I presume many follow AFN largely to keep aware of what's new.

AFN should not think small. Keep in mind, someday (could be soon or far off) cannabis will fully legalized at the federal level. The infrastructure of information resources to support this doesn't exist yet (such as when any grower can sell and ship nationally). There are lots of needs (opportunities), things missing that are simply common in more established industries. With autoflower home growing sooner or later becoming dominant vs. photos (I presume?), there are many opportunities AFN could consider.

I like your enthusiasm, but ironically enough we've tried/done virtually everything that you've pitched in your message (I laughed a bit reading it going "where has this guy been over the past decade?"

Covid was a major turning point; it changed a lot of things in the cannabis community (the growers, the companies, how advertising money is spent and directed, etc.) Combined with a few speed bumps and hiccups of our own as a forum (changing from .net to .org, and then some personal shit to boot,) there was a rough patch there for sure.

We have a pretty solid game plan forming for 2025 and I believe we are lining up the right people for the tasks at hand that we're trying to complete! Some of this journey has been finding out the things that both work and do not (and we've found out quite a few things don't work.)

We have several breeders waiting to come on the forum and a few other well known companies/brands that we've been working on, and a side-by-side to that is we're going to heavily push an educational focus in terms of tutorials and information for autoflowers.

And just a friendly reminder that AFN is volunteer-ran; there is only so much time in the day and a limited bank account to fund all the fantastical things that everyone thinks we should/could/would be doing.

If there are tasks that you personally feel suited to/for and you are willing and have the time, we are all more than willing to entertain the idea of accepting more help if it fits :d5:
I like your enthusiasm, but ironically enough we've tried/done virtually everything that you've pitched in your message (I laughed a bit reading it going "where has this guy been over the past decade?"

Covid was a major turning point; it changed a lot of things in the cannabis community (the growers, the companies, how advertising money is spent and directed, etc.) Combined with a few speed bumps and hiccups of our own as a forum (changing from .net to .org, and then some personal shit to boot,) there was a rough patch there for sure.

We have a pretty solid game plan forming for 2025 and I believe we are lining up the right people for the tasks at hand that we're trying to complete! Some of this journey has been finding out the things that both work and do not (and we've found out quite a few things don't work.)

We have several breeders waiting to come on the forum and a few other well known companies/brands that we've been working on, and a side-by-side to that is we're going to heavily push an educational focus in terms of tutorials and information for autoflowers.

And just a friendly reminder that AFN is volunteer-ran; there is only so much time in the day and a limited bank account to fund all the fantastical things that everyone thinks we should/could/would be doing.

If there are tasks that you personally feel suited to/for and you are willing and have the time, we are all more than willing to entertain the idea of accepting more help if it fits :d5:
Otherwise, to lure in commercial interests and to define what you can offer them, some current market research showing AFN to be a viable way to reach growers vs. the competing online groups would be good. For ex., where does AFN actually rank in terms of no. of users, levels/intensity/regularity of use, needs it fulfills/reasons why it's used, trustworthiness of content, perceptions of value vs. other discussion groups, etc. I presume in other than gross number of users, AFN would rate rather high. Minimally, if someone is currently doing/selling grow market research studies, lobby to make sure AFN is included as something they ask about.
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I would be happy to pay a small membership fee for a special autoflower growers' course contained within this site. $20 is fair.
The course should be taught by autoflower breeders and master gardeners only.
It should be based on science that can be referenced with a link to some sort of research.
It should be easy to understand. Explain things as if you are teaching a high school class.
A beginners' class should get the student through a 84 day grow without getting too technical.
It's so overwhelming for a beginner to know what questions to ask. Too much unrelated information everywhere.
What does a beginner really need to know? Keep it simple. Keep it basic.
In the first lesson be sure to include fire safety, electrical safety and pest/disease identification.
Advanced classes can cover DLI, PH and LMNOP etc. Soil science is real and important but not for a beginner.
I would be happy to pay a small membership fee for a special autoflower growers' course contained within this site. $20 is fair.
The course should be taught by autoflower breeders and master gardeners only.
It should be based on science that can be referenced with a link to some sort of research.
It should be easy to understand. Explain things as if you are teaching a high school class.
A beginners' class should get the student through a 84 day grow without getting too technical.
It's so overwhelming for a beginner to know what questions to ask. Too much unrelated information everywhere.
What does a beginner really need to know? Keep it simple. Keep it basic.
In the first lesson be sure to include fire safety, electrical safety and pest/disease identification.
Advanced classes can cover DLI, PH and LMNOP etc. Soil science is real and important but not for a beginner.
So like a growers workshop then, where people can sign up, and the whole “class” starts from seed and grows an autoflower to completion? Like a live event with weekly zoom/discord meetings or such where people can ask questions and also have a forum thread where people can go 24hrs a day and bounce knowledge off of each other? That sounds freaking awesome!. @Son of Hobbes has this been done before here on AFN? Sounds like it could be pretty fun and productive