Old Reviews The Vapor Chamber Chat Thread.

Euh... Salutations,

...something around the £200 mark that's portable and flavoursome!

My modded VaporGenie certainly offers fair value at an affordable cost, it's portable and although i sense CO2 may affect flavour appreciation i've experienced some real tasty tokes (not to mention the ritual aspects) and i'm anticipating more as i continue to climb the learning curve, patiently:


...found this conical "screen" visible in the center...

Cut the core VG SiC puck to obtain 1 front puck that's ~4 mm thick, the rest would be 2+ mm or so and fit nicely inside a screen (as shown below):


This is my Top-Of-Bowl assy.

Never inhale butane gas, never let the flame touch anything. Once transformed by a clean burning reaction the by-products shall be energy + H2O + CO2 in addition to possible contaminants if applicable (e.g. aim for "bio" butane, ideally!), euh...

Anyway, using a flexible tubing extension i can monitor water formation which in turn is a hint about how much butane was actually burned. The lesser water droplets will condense the better, past some extent... Below a moisturization sweet-spot i'll start reacting to cannabic dryness while too far beyond i'd start thinking inefficient operation (as in improper operator actions) should be a concern: it's probably time to sleep.

Would i satify with a £200 battery vaporizer in any case? Well, maybe not but that's me so i wish you luck with that quest...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Hey Egzoset.

Many thanks for the info.
Looks like a very interesting contraption.

In the end i found a outlet here for the pax 2 which suits my needs-
its small/portable/ergonomic and really light (hate having loads of crap in my pockets!

Will let you good peoples know my thoughts once i get a good chance to use it!
Cheers, DB

Euh... Salutations,

My modded VaporGenie certainly offers fair value at an affordable cost, it's portable and although i sense CO2 may affect flavour appreciation i've experienced some real tasty tokes (not to mention the ritual aspects) and i'm anticipating more as i continue to climb the learning curve, patiently:

Cut the core VG SiC puck to obtain 1 front puck that's ~4 mm thick, the rest would be 2+ mm or so and fit nicely inside a screen (as shown below):


This is my Top-Of-Bowl assy.

Never inhale butane gas, never let the flame touch anything. Once transformed by a clean burning reaction the by-products shall be energy + H2O + CO2 in addition to possible contaminants if applicable (e.g. aim for "bio" butane, ideally!), euh...

Anyway, using a flexible tubing extension i can monitor water formation which in turn is a hint about how much butane was actually burned. The lesser water droplets will condense the better, past some extent... Below a moisturization sweet-spot i'll start reacting to cannabic dryness while too far beyond i'd start thinking inefficient operation (as in improper operator actions) should be a concern: it's probably time to sleep.

Would i satify with a £200 battery vaporizer in any case? Well, maybe not but that's me so i wish you luck with that quest...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
just got my hammer in the mail on sat.
no shit man this thing works!
Salutations JoeDirt,

...got my Hammer...

Congratulations, the next few days are going to become interesting!


...no shit man this thing works! ...

Sure it does, it's The Power-of-Fire!

But are you familiar with this (probably discontinued) product below?...


It's supposed to moisturize the cannabic path, so this would feel similar to my FogBong i presume, which is still irritating depending on circumstances.

How do you manage with The Hammer in terms of cannabic dryness so far??

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
well. I didnt know there was such a thing as cannabic dryness.
but. I like the whole no cords and no batteries.
this little guy heats up lickity split!
I load the bowl up with some flower and a pinch of kief. I get huge cloud hits.
I havent tried to dab with it but as soon as I press up some rosin im going to try it.
Hi again Joedirt,

...are you familiar with this (probably discontinued) product below?...


...didnt know there was such a thing as cannabic dryness.

At least i can guess the Hammer owner who once mentioned this in a dedicated thread elsewhere (...) must have thought there was, actually!


...no cords and no batteries. ...huge cloud hits.

M'yeah, i know the feeling but i depend on an alternate solution to access an equivalent level of enjoyment as yours:


Obviously Clean Butane Burning differs but the end result seems the same to me.

In other words i get ZERO fun without this. :point: Cannabic Dryness only causes me lasting agravation.


Apparently at near-cannabic vaporisation temperatures the "Specific Heat Capacity" of SuperHeat Steam is nearly twice as much as that of Dry Air @ 1 Atmosphere pressure while "Viscosity" of the later is almost twice... It's got to be a factor IMHO (call it the "Inlet Auto-Conditioning feature"), another being implicit Self-Moisturizing.

...havent tried to dab...

Me neither and it's not in my plans but i'd feel confident the method illustrated above (or an adapted variant) should prove efficient at it.

Of course, if the perspective rendered you curious there's always the option of replicating my modded VG pipe in order to experience by your own such 1-Atmosphere Super-Heated Water-Vapor release/transport substitute, instead of just thin dry air alone.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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I looked all over this sight for a hammer review but i couldn't find one.
It needs an adapter to dab.
Ill be getting one of those shortly!
Picked up my first vaporizer.

I got the Baker their home edition.
Its for Herb and Concentrates you just change a few things out.

Iv tryed it but havent gotten teal good hits maybe not dry enough as its only been drying a few days.
They recommend 350-420 F for Herb

What temps you guys use
Picked up my first vaporizer.

I got the Baker their home edition.
Its for Herb and Concentrates you just change a few things out.

Iv tryed it but havent gotten teal good hits maybe not dry enough as its only been drying a few days.
They recommend 350-420 F for Herb

What temps you guys use
every vape is different, but i like 375-390. when you start seeing less vape production, turn it all the way up for the last 2-3 hits.