Hey @iampepe :pass:
In the UK it still illegal to grow weed!
Estimate it will take 10-15 years to legalize, over 50% of UK residents would approve legalisation, if given a vote. However the baby boom after WWII meas there are a lot of old people, who have no clue about cannabis and most of those people would vociferously oppose legalisation.
Luckily most of the baby boomers are in their 70's & 80's, so once they move on to the next plane of existence, there will be nothing to stop public opinion winning the day!
Currently we kinda have legal medicinal weed, from the NHS (National Health Service) but only for really bad cancer etc!
However we can go to a private doctor and for £150 they will give you a Cannabis card with which you can take to a local cannabis club!
Cannabis clubs are technical illegal buy a blind eye is turned to card carriers!
Seed are 100% legal and always have been, your just not allowed to germinate them!

Since having problems with the property owner, I no longer grow indoors.
I have only done 1 guerrilla grow to date but it went as smoothly as I could ever hope for! 10 plants, no pests, no rabbits, no deer & no pesky humans! Everything came up roses, so to speak.
I will be guerrilla growing again this year, I am meticulous in planing and Have some prime sneaky plots picked out. I also have a good selection of low odor strains!
Thanks for letting me know you ship abroad! I will go have a another look at your strains.
Right now I have seeds coming out my ears but if I go a second summer crop, I'll be sure to grab some of your genetics!
There is always next year to plan for and as @Waira mentioned, I am a bit of a seed hoarder!
When I can find a new home I'll be back to growing indoors but now is not that time!

u jus wanted to uze "vociferously" in a diatribe :doh: ppp

Permanent Marker Auto and Hindu Kush Auto, dropped on the mat this morning!
Happy Days!
Well you may have a point, I'm just preserving genetics in case SHTF, I believe they call it prepping!
All for medical purposes you understand!
...verily! :rolleyes2:

Something amazing happened this morning and potentially dangerous to my wallet!
I found the "Pacific Seed Bank" an American seed bank, just brimming with American strains, over 400 of them are autos. I didn't read all the info on all the strains and I still took 4 hours to get through those that I did look at!
The real clincher is they will send to the UK!
I got my list of wants down to 20 out of the 400 odd strains, which I will whittle down to 3 strains!
Yeah I know I shouldn't but they are strains not available in Europe!
... we are not without "reason" and justification- :rofl: .... I say the same thing to myself, particularly with private bred stuff!
It's only the truth, such crosses are sometimes too good to let slip by and they will not be around again very likely. I have burned myself enough to not let that happen as a general rule...
One source for me buys those very trendy spendy crosses, many from Copy Cat, and does repro's of them and crop grows in a GH under often tough conditions. This selection process is a boon to me for mold resistance and quality assurance - :greencheck::greenthumb:
Custom crosses I would never get access too come from this as well! I find that I grow less and less "big house" genetics every year, small company breeders and private ones are ruling the day... for solid reasons! One of the best is getting to see said crosses grown right here so you know what you're getting...
Indeed, prices are out of control now with a lot of companies and certain crosses. Some jokers like Dutch Passion want just stoopid money for some crosses... look up Kerosene Krash - :nono: - about $110 for a 3-pack! :finger::redcross::finger:
For a nothing new here remix cut, and they are getting it! :confused1:
Makes $15 look like a bloody deal, hey?
A lot of new banks are popping up in the USA, Pacific rings a bell... duly noted if Arty approved!

Unlike your good self, absolute reeky honkers are off my list for stealth reasons, in the UK everything is tightly packed so stealth is always a concern.
The import seeds selected will have a low odor Lavender Jones auto is one of those and smell of lavender, so lot of Linalool. Another one smell like whine but I'd have to back to my list to tell you which one.
Ooooooh AFN breeders with lovely auto strains hmmmm, I'm wondering do they ship to Blighty?
Is it possible add more seeds to my already bulging box of goodies?
Well I just looked at "Twisted tree" and there a some treats to be found there too!
:rofl:... my problem is my "landlord" has a bitchy sensitive nose, small blame on one level because of her constant exposure over decades to perfumes and product smells (she's in the beauty bizz)... it's one reason why my tent is outside... But I will not be delimited by low odor culti's,
I must have stank :evil1: LOL
Fortunately there's plenty of fine stuff that isn't overly loud...
Yes, our in-house breeders do ship most anywhere, 1 or 2 are already at your end of the Pond...

Yes I try to grow something new every year to find those special plants to breed to auto. Biscotti has my interest with its body buzz affects and medicinal value. These old bones may just like it. :biggrin: The Frosted truffle pie has earthy, pepper spice terps high thc strain with dark purple flowers. The Sub zero is a frosty queen with citrus terps and purple hues in her flowers. :thumbsup::thumbsup: They rooted well and I potted them up in 3 gallon bags till they go outdoors. Looks like our last frost here in Michigan is tonight but Im going to wait till at least mothers day to put them out. Happy growing every one!
This is my curse too, repeats are few and far between because of the glut of new enticing stuff! It's a killer when you can see said things grown out and smoke tested by trusted sources...
I'm liking SubZero, looking forward to seeing that girl land - 😛
Helloooooo @BCBudlady :bighug: :smokeit:
I hope your in too!!
It would be awesome to have you along!!:headbang::vibe:
Hiya @arty zan !!! Just finishing up a Laughing Hyena tent full and planning a quiet summer, with a few starts to gift, but maybe a plant or two in da woods for fun.

Please tag me when you get your spot scoped out and slate settled.
Hiya @arty zan !!! Just finishing up a Laughing Hyena tent full and planning a quiet summer, with a few starts to gift, but maybe a plant or two in da woods for fun.

Please tag me when you get your spot scoped out and slate settled.
I miss growing doors, it is so much more convenient.
No matter though I am a outdoor kinda guy anyway.
The is a certain type enjoyment that can only be gained by having a secret outdoor garden.
Not being able to just stick your head in a tent and waiting a week until you can catch on progress and whether it is even still there!
I will have a blast no matter what, growing plants is a passion, not to be able do it would be a travesty.
I will persevere, the worst would be I get caught with 5 plants, which I would get a slap on the wrist and a £50 at the absolute worst and that is not going to happen!
Ask yourself this "have you ever seen Arty and the Samsquanch in the same forest"?

I'll deffo tag you in and it is nice you wanna follow my adventure in the British Wilds, I hope we will both like the results!:smokeit:
I miss growing doors, it is so much more convenient.
No matter though I am a outdoor kinda guy anyway.
The is a certain type enjoyment that can only be gained by having a secret outdoor garden.
Not being able to just stick your head in a tent and waiting a week until you can catch on progress and whether it is even still there!
I will have a blast no matter what, growing plants is a passion, not to be able do it would be a travesty.
I will persevere, the worst would be I get caught with 5 plants, which I would get a slap on the wrist and a £50 at the absolute worst and that is not going to happen!
Ask yourself this "have you ever seen Arty and the Samsquanch in the same forest"?

I'll deffo tag you in and it is nice you wanna follow my adventure in the British Wilds, I hope we will both like the results!:smokeit:
Maybe forage a few shrooms too, while out in the wilds!!
...verily! :rolleyes2:

... we are not without "reason" and justification- :rofl: .... I say the same thing to myself, particularly with private bred stuff!
It's only the truth, such crosses are sometimes too good to let slip by and they will not be around again very likely. I have burned myself enough to not let that happen as a general rule...
One source for me buys those very trendy spendy crosses, many from Copy Cat, and does repro's of them and crop grows in a GH under often tough conditions. This selection process is a boon to me for mold resistance and quality assurance - :greencheck::greenthumb:
Custom crosses I would never get access too come from this as well! I find that I grow less and less "big house" genetics every year, small company breeders and private ones are ruling the day... for solid reasons! One of the best is getting to see said crosses grown right here so you know what you're getting...
Indeed, prices are out of control now with a lot of companies and certain crosses. Some jokers like Dutch Passion want just stoopid money for some crosses... look up Kerosene Krash - :nono: - about $110 for a 3-pack! :finger::redcross::finger:
For a nothing new here remix cut, and they are getting it! :confused1:
Makes $15 look like a bloody deal, hey?
A lot of new banks are popping up in the USA, Pacific rings a bell... duly noted if Arty approved!

:rofl:... my problem is my "landlord" has a bitchy sensitive nose, small blame on one level because of her constant exposure over decades to perfumes and product smells (she's in the beauty bizz)... it's one reason why my tent is outside... But I will not be delimited by low odor culti's,
I must have stank :evil1: LOL
Fortunately there's plenty of fine stuff that isn't overly loud...
Yes, our in-house breeders do ship most anywhere, 1 or 2 are already at your end of the Pond...

This is my curse too, repeats are few and far between because of the glut of new enticing stuff! It's a killer when you can see said things grown out and smoke tested by trusted sources...
I'm liking SubZero, looking forward to seeing that girl land - 😛
GG#4 x Sherbert is not exactly rocket science, is it? Sure there is all that goes with a breeding program but not for crazy money like they are charging.
Dutch Passion used to have my respect for numerous reason but now I couldn't look then in the eye and have any respect for such greed!
Independent growers for the win!
I too find my self looking for the more obscure harder to find boutique strains.
I get something different and ordinary person like you or I gets to make a living from their love and passion of the herb.
It is sad that the Portal strain are no longer available to the general public, I'm still in contact with Stone, so no worries for me there.
I have a ton of Portal Strains and I'm gonna see if they wanna play ball.
Mumbling Dragon and Nodding Dragon are some years old now!
Sub Zero you say? I'm off to Twisted Tree now and go check their list!
Maybe forage a few shrooms too, while out in the wilds!!
Ah ha, indeed yes, only edible ones in the summer!
Magic ones in the autumn.
I want to try chicken of the woods.
Maybe some Ceps, I know where to find Chanterelles and Parasol mushrooms.
Morels would be a treat!
I just realised my Avatar is GDP from my last guerrilla grow, she was very pretty.
I’m going to try to squeeze in 3 rounds of outdoor autos this season and already got a good head start on a few. For the first round I’m running a ILGM Purple Punch, a ILGM Sour Diesel, a Autoseeds.com Auto Pounder and possibly a ILGM Jack Herer. I have extra space indoors where I can grow the Jack but really interested in seeing how she would develop outside. They are about 45 days old and been living in a climate controlled tent but I started getting them use to the outdoor weather a week ago. Since these girls spent the beginning of their life indoors I’m obviously not going to enter them into the competition but thought some of you might want a quick peak at them.

ILGM Purple Punch


Autoseeds.com Auto Pounder


ILGM Sour Diesel on the left and a ILGM Jack Herer on the right.

