...good luck on making decisions about what to run-

I'm still grinding myself, the only governing criteria being a mix of effects and possible aroma profiles... First round may needs be smaller faster culti's, pending news on the OD run front---wish me more

there!If yea, I'll need room in the tent to launch the photo's...
Nepali...makes me think of Sweet's Psicodelicia which was a really nice one -

I have a Burmese Pure repro' made by a Nor'EU mate that I'm dyin' to run, along with a nicely tested fun cross Ghost Maverick x 3BOG...
OrangeBBgum will please ya, loved mine! She had a yummy citrusy cotton candy aroma....
Noted on the guerilla pass, already in the books mate! I have much respect for your determination and transport ninja skillz.. I still marvel at you bussing the seedlings about, no small challenge that at all-

....yeah the Polls are really just a beauty pageant

... Otherwise it's the community spirit in this Comp' that folks really like!
I've tried to get more diversity in prizes, but because it's not "official" testing, vendors passed... Scant few of those these days anyway. The only one that really got into it here was RotBlock/Phyter, and that phase is since done. He did offer a nice discount for us though when we started up last year, no sense in getting that after the fact, right?
I'll see if he'll offer the same this year too....
@Kyote - I'd run her in a smaller volume pot, 7-10gal to squeeze her shoes a bit and hustle maturation along some...works for me!
I think as a general rule, anything in-ground or huge pots will take longer...
Speed Racer may be a touch faster too
@Jean-O ? ....Melon Madness (her new name, better fitting to her perfume!) will fit the bill though especially if you do the pot trick.
Pheno luck aside, Sun exposure was a factor here too; by that time your girls are getting a lot of shading. I fight this too, I have to shuffle plants around every day late season here because of a large Cypress and the Sun angle rapidly becoming steeper... I know it's not an option for you, alas...
Mid August sounds about right for your Lat', 3rd-4th week is when I see most non-auto crosses start bloom....