Indoor short stuff and freebie auto first grow journal!

Ok guys here are some pictures day 61 of my rrf hbd autoblueberry and Pakistani Ryder. Ill upload few more later on tonight.

The short plant is day 7 of flush and will be coming down soon. I ordered through greners a jewelry loop but will not be here till Tuesday lol.

The two top shots are of the short rrf... its the one with the yellower dying leaves. The other top shot is of my autoblueberry.. that girl is triched out! Muddy if you see this does my rrf look like its time to take her down? Also is it ok if I trim leaves a day before I harvest? I want to put in dark for 24 hrs or so and not light hit it before i chop. However if I don't trim now ill have to trim in light and do not want the salts n stuff to travel back up into my plant.
Might I suggest lowering those cfls closer to prevent stretching?
They are just out in open for pictures. Ill post a pic later they are under 1000 watt hortilux eye in 4x4 tent. I cant lower that light any its so strong lol
I appreciate the advice though because u would he right if I was growing under that light lol
:dance:F-N nice job dude
Thx go auto I have epics in my tent and couple others going later up. Some of them didn't email to me to save and send.
Hell yeah bro some smoking is about to go down lol ......
Here's two pictures.. one of my Pakistani Ryder and my tent filled. The two tall girls are photo plants I move in and out of tent of light schedule.