New Grower The Not So Green thumb, First Grow Journal .

So today I bought the last of what I think i will need (yeah right..) I spoke to muddy a bit gave me some advise on promix that I will use on my next grow. Decided to just use it with perlite instead of mixing with other stuff. He also recommended a soil prob to help with testing soil. The more data I have the more control over things I can have.

Read a ton of things today, you guys are great :)

Thing that attaches to my gutter to collect and filter out leaves for rain water.
Aluminum Sulfate (Never know when you can run into an issue)
Soil Prob cwa 8 (recommended by muddy)
Some cal mag
Water Thermometer.

I want to be able to control the grow as much as possible. Prob bought a lot of stuff I don't need. But I will use this stuff I am sure.

I also posted some issues I was having, any one has an idea let me know. I am going to let it ride till next watering and make sure ph levels are good. Thats in a day or so. The one weird tip is what worries me the most atm.
I posted in your other problem thread. First few grows are nearly always a struggle, a lot of us (me included) dived in without reading up enough or forgetting something important that we had read !

This is a great thread to refer to throughout your grow :

I have over a gig of growbooks, PM me and i will give you the llink.

All the best,

Now I also took the advice put a bubbler in there let it run for 24 hours (will be longer will do a 5 gal bucket) when I checked the PH levels today on that water it went up to around 7.8-8.1. Any idea why the PH level would jump so high?

I've read water interacts with carbon from the atmosphere, producing carbonic acid which raises your ph. You can fill a glass from your tap, measure the ph, let it sit on the countertop for 5 days and you'll see the same thing. I believe that's one of the benefits of aeration: you get that process out of the way so the ph doesn't drift higher in the plant's container.
I think it was also due to my using the pen not correctly. I didnt calibrate the pen, and I didn't leave it soaking in the solution. I now leave the pen in the solution, and calibrate before every watering. I also just stuck it in for a few seconds and thought all was good. I figured out the pen takes some time to get the real readings. So I leave the in the water and start setting up for a watering (takes me a while to move every thing around, get watering pans out ect.)

Atm I am looking into getting a Hanna Instruments HI 98129. I am hearing some really nice things about them atm. So I may add that to my grow along with some LEDs. I haven't seen any one growing with T5 and LED. I am going to try and run t5 up the wall, and have the LEDs over head.
Are you using any silica products? I use Botanicare Silica Blast, starting at 2ml/gal after the first seedling week, increasing to 4ml. I only use it every other watering because I use calmag in the alternate waterings and I've read silica and calmag can bind each other. (Also, silica is highly alkaline. I add it to the water first, or reserve 2 cups, add it to that, and pour that back into the mix last.). It seems to create stronger stems, thicker, leathery leaves. More tolerant to heat and cold, dought, pests, etc.

I also use Botanicare Liquid Karma, starting at 1ml/gal in seedling, up to 5ml/gal as the plant grows. This stuff seems to help the plant develop. (I don't know how to categorize it, and how it relates to other products which you may use. You'd have to read the label and compare. There seems to be a pattern among all the manufacturer's products. Just different catchy names. You might be using something similar now.). I swear I've seen seedlings grow before my very eyes when I mist and wet the soil with water containing 1ml/gal. I'm not joking. I really believe I've seen it. (Be careful misting a seedling. Don't want to over do it and cause "damping off." Nor expose them to anything but soft light until they dry or you'll get burn spots.).
I been using foxfarm tro, was following

Giving nutes is def my weaker point atm, I need to find more stuff to read about that for sure.

And yeah. I was using a walmart watering cheap bucket with sorta like a breaker head on it. Thing was raping my plants, and even worse I made the mistake of using nutes in it. So it got all over my plants. I think thats why 1 of them has a small brown spot on it not sure. I am more worried about the cupping issue seems to have gotten a bit worse.

Heres some shots of them together and some close ups. If any one has ideas on that please let me know heh. They are all still green, and only 1 has a slight brown rust spot thats been there for a few days. I thought it might of been heat stress, but fan is blowing, lights was 2 inches away. I can keep my hand on the bulbs for ever so its not much heat at all. My only other thought is maybe root bound, but im not sure if that would cause this issue or not. The PH was kinda low, at a 6.0, but that just started and I will resolve that by watering with higher ph water (thanks muddy).

Heres the group shots. Day 20. for most.


And heres the cupping issue I am a bit worried about.

Most plants are on day 22. The issue with them cupping like that I learned was semi do to heat. Heat was going 80-85, but it was a strong fan blowing on top of them pulling the water out of the leaves. So I am redoing my set up a bit to adjust for this kind of things. One of the issue I think is because as I do have air being pulled out, I have no coming in.

One of the plants are starting to get a few brown rust spots. Next feeding I will add cal/mag and iron to the mix. PH is still a bit low at about 6.1-6.2. It will go up again so not too worried about that.

White Widow Max popped its head. Guess todays day 1.
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I watered the plants today next time smaller grow or getting an RO system. Used about 3 gallons, 2L per pot. Did with 7.0 water, still getting kinda low. Most plants are 6.2 and the rest are getting 6.5. Gave a cal/mag feeding. One is showing rust spots and what I think is that it needs. Also added in 15ml per gallon of big bloom. Think thats 2 tablespoons per gallon.

Started putting plants in the sun during the day time not an easy task I must admit. But I already noticed a big difference in growth just from the 2 days I have been doing that. So day time, they get sun, night time T5s. Best way for me to control their temps at this time. This feeding was 2 days between, was going to go a bit longer but I think they really needed the cal/mag. Will try and space it out to go 3-4 days.
Today is like 27 I think. Group shot with the ladies. Gave them 15ml big bloom, 5ml, and 10ml of cal/mag/iron yesterday.


Been giving it sunlight during the day, at night gets the T5s.

Been having issues with one plants. I think its a cal/mag issue. Been giving it cal/mag/iron in both of its feedings. It doesnt look like its helping too much. PH is around 6.3 with it so I am ruling that out. I will have a better idea in a few days i think.


Also, I was trying to figure out what the diff is between pre-flower and flowering. I think this is pre-flower if any one has an input?

Did you spill any of the nute juice directly on the leaves?

(Set 3) I think that's just new growth, not pre flowering.