New Grower The Not So Green thumb, First Grow Journal .

I am pretty careful when adding in the water. If there happens to get any on the plants, I wipe them off before the feeding is done.

And yeah, I am not 100% sure what pre-flower is or how to tell when the plants are flowering atm. I can tell you they def smell heh. I read some stuff that pre-flower is when you can tell their sex, not sure if theres more to it than that
Yeah, I'm in unchartered territory on that as well...but my girl showed sex yesterday, at day 15 so I'm gonna give her a little under 2 more weeks before pushing bloom nutes on her.:)

The other thing I heard was to wait until all/most vertical growth had ceased then push bloom nutes.
yeah mine showed their sex a while ago as well. And I read that as well, took their height today, so if they dont up more in a few days, I will start the bloom as well.
Today is like 27 I think. ... Gave them 15ml big bloom,

Your plants look great. Isn't it a little early to use bloom nutes? My first grow I did it at day 34 which I later felt was too early. My 2nd and 3rd grows were day 43.

Been having issues with one plants. I think its a cal/mag issue.

I don't want to give the impression I'm experienced. I'm just going from deficiency pictures I've seen on other sites. The rust color looks like calcium. Magnesium would be more of a yellowing/die-off of the entire leaf. But, I thought calcium was more speckled, not blotchy.

I got an irregular rust spot which looked very similar to one of yours and I attributed it to heat/light stress. You said you're struggling with heat (which is why you put them outside during day). But, I only had one. Not spread all over various leaves like yours.

Hopefully namvet will comment. If it is calcium, I've read magnesium is essential for the uptake of calcium. You could give a light foliar feed of Epsom salt. Like, 1/4 tsp in a pint spray bottle.
Your plants look great. Isn't it a little early to use bloom nutes? My first grow I did it at day 34 which I later felt was too early. My 2nd and 3rd grows were day 43.

I don't want to give the impression I'm experienced. I'm just going from deficiency pictures I've seen on other sites. The rust color looks like calcium. Magnesium would be more of a yellowing/die-off of the entire leaf. But, I thought calcium was more speckled, not blotchy.

I got an irregular rust spot which looked very similar to one of yours and I attributed it to heat/light stress. You said you're struggling with heat (which is why you put them outside during day). But, I only had one. Not spread all over various leaves like yours.

Hopefully namvet will comment. If it is calcium, I've read magnesium is essential for the uptake of calcium. You could give a light foliar feed of Epsom salt. Like, 1/4 tsp in a pint spray bottle.

Every thing I read from people who use it, the word big bloom is misleading. Its not really a bloom nute. Theres a tiger bloom though, that will be used during bloom.

Today I did a full rework of the grow room again.. I moved it from out side to inside. I spotted 1 spider mite and went to action. The room its in now, you could eat off the floor with the amount of cleaning. The tent, I took apart and scrubed it a long with every thing thats gone into that room and will remain that way.

The only times I will enter this room is when I am clean as well.

As for the plants, I gave them a mighty wash bath, will wait a few days and do it again and then once more. Will keep an eye out and do my best not to let that get out of hand. After the wash I spent atleast 15 mins on each plants looking with a digital scope found no real traces. But will still follow up.

Tomorrow I shall feed the ladies and take some pics.
So been busy with a lot of things going to post some pictures now.

I moved the tent inside, had more issues =/ Mostly heat. Was starting to get up to 91F inside that tent. So I got a window Ac and rigged a ducting up to you to pump AC inside of it. This has been keeping it under control. Heres a picture of the rig job.

I am on day day 42 for the six mangos. Only 3 of them have gone into flowering. I am pretty confused at this time, because the 3 in flowering look very different from the 3 that are not flowering. They are also showing no signs of wanting to flower at this time. I even started them on bloom nutes with hopes they would start to flower but no luck. If they don't start soon, I will stick them in a closet for 12 hours and see if this gets them going. I don't know. Any input would be great....

I also bought some new gear. i got a 440 Solar Storm LED. Pretty nice so far, costly but nice. I will end up getting a second one soon I think.

I started to prep for my next grow. Will grow between soil,hydro, and coco. In hopes that I can learn hydro better. Watering sucks lol, it's a big task with 8 plants. Different nutes for each one, watering pans, trying not to spill, putting pots on towels so they don't get water every where.. It's a big task that I have to do every two days. Going to try and get this set up so I don't need to keep doing so much every time.

Heres some more pictures.
