New Grower The Not So Green thumb, First Grow Journal .

I watered 4 of the plants today the stronger ones. Buckets was getting light, and felt dry. The two that are sick at this time I did run off tests on them 2 days ago and still have some water in there. I am also taking the advice to not to water those guys for a bit (till it does need it of course) because the soil is hot.

I put in a ph level of 6.1-6.2, I ran it this low because again the soil is hot. The four plants run offs came to around 6.7-6.8. I think if I just keep using lower ph water for now, it will even it's self out less any one has some ideas.

Thank you guys for you comments. I have them that high because of the fan in there atm. Should I pull the fan out and lower the lights? I could cut a big hole in the side of the box I have built atm, and put a stationary fan so that I could lower the lights down more. There was some growth last night, not an extreme amount. Ill take some new shots in a few days when it's more to look at ;)

Let me know, and thank you all for your feed back so far <3

Just a side note I never read any thing about this before. For the water, I am using a distilled RO processed water. The ph level was around 6.6. Now I also took the advice put a bubbler in there let it run for 24 hours (will be longer will do a 5 gal bucket) when I checked the PH levels today on that water it went up to around 7.8-8.1. Any idea why the PH level would jump so high? That PH level of the water the first reading was on it's own. Meaning I did not add any thing to it.

6.7-6.8 isn't ideal but also isn't drastically out of range. The good thing is that pH tends to drop over time as well as nutes lowering the pH of your water, so being a bit on the high side isn't a bad thing right now. Just keep giving it water in the low 6 range & if things seem to get worse with spotting on the leaves or anything like that, you can always flush them.

I think the fan is useful so rather than removing it, you could just stack something under the pots to get them closer to the light. As I said earlier, that's not as crucial now but will be when they start producing some real fan leaves.

You're doing a great thing by oxygenating your water. I find that it tends to move the pH towards neutral, which in my case brings the tap water down from around 8 to 7. You should do a test by removing some water from the bubbler and letting it sit for half an hour to see where it ends up. You likely are seeing a temporarily high reading that will level out once it's in the soil.
I didn't even think about putting something under them, thanks for the idea I will do that. Some are starting to get more leaves now, so prob be best to do this now rather then later.

Ill try that with letting water sit for a bit then re-testing thank you. As for the soil, If I keep using water about 6.2 it should start to lower it as well right? I am not sure if they are too young to do a flush at this point. In the end the soil ph is my own fault sadly with adding the lime I did (should of done more research) I read that it increases the ph. A good normal reading of soil should be what around 6.5? With a run off of around 6.4?
The two that are not doing well was very light and dry looking soil. I gave them some water enough to get a run off to test the ph levels. Water going in was a 6.6, run off levels was a 6.4.

I also planted one more seed today since I think ill have room for it. Going to try an Auto berry as well. With every thing I been reading I should be able to treat this new guy nice and keep the other ones in shape I hope :) Will post pics when it pops.
The two that are not doing well was very light and dry looking soil. I gave them some water enough to get a run off to test the ph levels. Water going in was a 6.6, run off levels was a 6.4.

I also planted one more seed today since I think ill have room for it. Going to try an Auto berry as well. With every thing I been reading I should be able to treat this new guy nice and keep the other ones in shape I hope :) Will post pics when it pops.
So today did a few things and of course a nice mistake =/

Today marks day 11 of these guys guys. I had two sick ones, you will notice in the pictures one of the sick ones is doing a bit better, just gave her ph water for for a bit. But the other sick one (poor gal) is trying so hard to stay in the game, made some new leafs and such. But just hating life so much. Today I gave her a flush. Not sure I did it right but did my best to help her. I ph'd water at around 6.3 gave her 1 gallon water to start off with. Waited about 10-20 minutes gave her another gallon of water. So will see if that helps her out. No nuts on her at this time.

The others I did start to give nutes to. I was supposed to give 1/2 tsp, I ended up giving about a full tsp to them. Seeing that mistake, after that, I gave them all a bit more water, just flat out PH'd water to try and flush a lil bit through their system, not too much. Will know more tomorrow.

I think they are starting to show their sex (should all be female any ways), you can tell me. Will be on picture 6.

I am going to get a grow tent, 4x4, would really love some input as this is the first time I am getting a tent and growing ect. I am getting,

If you have some links to things you think ill need, please show me any advice I could really take it. Im not sure what kind of fans or filters I need at this point. So would love any advice.

I took the advice and moved the light closer. It's around 2-3 inches away from them now. They seem to be loving it a lot more since they are getting a lot of leaves now.

I added a few close up pictures of them, and will of course add more pictures around every watering.

Thanks so much for all your advice, it's help out a lot. Look forward to seeing more!

I put the pics on imgur, because it was much quicker to upload.,6AVT2NG,V3...o5r,9MUvzHE,nFzqfr2,vSPmsRg,qHSH2SZ,ilRgP8x#0
Plants are growing pretty nice now. The small one is trying his best but she is way too stunted. I wonder if I should just pull her out and save the soil and try and fix that.

I am going to buy a tent and some other things if any one has any input, would help a lot. This will be my first tent set up.

I would like to plant around 6-12 plants at a time (not sure if I can do 12 in that space with 3 gal pots). I want to make sure the smell is in check, and the sound isnt through the roof either.

Any comments would help helpful. Thank you.

- - - Updated - - -

Plants are doing nice. The small one is very stunted, I may pull her out try and save and fix the soil dont know yet.

I am going to get a tent set up but would like some input from any one. I want to grow around 6-10 plants but I want to make sure that the smell stays in check. These are the items I am thinking about getting let me know.

Let me know if there is something I should change or add ect.

Today marks day 14. Most of them are looking pretty good now. But this one not so much =/

Trying to make it, but just way to stunted at this time. Should I keep her? Don't really know...

The other one that was sick is keeping up with the others, still has a a kinda funky color on it, not too sure what to do about that. Ill upload a picture another day of that one. One I took is pretty blurry. I had to take these pictures quick, had some wasp flying blind into the lights.

I added a new one here, started to pop his head today, so marks day 1 for her. This one is an auto berry. I used a bigger pot and tested the run off first. Been misting her with a spray bottle when the soil was starting to look dry. Can see here:dscf3304.jpg

I gave them a water with 1/2 tsp Grow Big 1/2 tsp Big Bloom today. Following some ones Foxfarm feeding on these forums. Run off came out between 6.4-6.7 (I know 6.7 isnt the best but its down from what it was and will keep working on that.)

Here are some pictures of the rest of them. (Next time I shall get plastic tags so I can label them better for viewing heh.. Also if you look, some are pointing their leaves upward. I am not sure what that means, I couldn't really find any thing about that. The light is about 1-2 inches away from them. Not cupping or any thing like that. Just slanted going up. Any ideas on that?


I did order a grow tent. Been trying to light proof the area that I have them in atm, kinda hard when I did every thing backwards lol. I also did not think about it at the time, but I am sure smell will also be an issue. So here will be the parts to the new set up.

I hope I got what I needed. Btw, gotham was really cool, they even gave me a 5% discount (Not a big deal but saved me like $20)

I should get this stuff in a few days. If you guys have any comments on things I should get for the tent, please let me know :)

I also ordered some 2700k HO red lights for when they start to flower. Am I supposed to switch to red when they are pre-flower? and when they do flower? Not really sure and what I read didnt give a good answer on that.

My next grow I will be doing a hydro type system. Just because i got a really good deal on it, and I want to see how it goes. When I bought the T5 (8 bulbs) I got it from a yard sale from a man who was moving and couldn't take all this stuff with him. He threw in a full ebba and gro system that was more or less never used. Got all that for 100$, can't really beat that. So that will my next one after this in a few weeks. I will grow some soil along the side with it, I know hydro is a lot harder.

Any input or advise is always nice.

- - - Updated - - -

Today marks day 14. Most of them are looking pretty good now. But this one not so much =/

Trying to make it, but just way to stunted at this time. Should I keep her? Don't really know...

The other one that was sick is keeping up with the others, still has a a kinda funky color on it, not too sure what to do about that. Ill upload a picture another day of that one. One I took is pretty blurry. I had to take these pictures quick, had some wasp flying blind into the lights.

I added a new one here, started to pop his head today, so marks day 1 for her. This one is an auto berry. I used a bigger pot and tested the run off first. Been misting her with a spray bottle when the soil was starting to look dry. Can see here:dscf3304.jpg

I gave them a water with 1/2 tsp Grow Big 1/2 tsp Big Bloom today. Following some ones Foxfarm feeding on these forums. Run off came out between 6.4-6.7 (I know 6.7 isnt the best but its down from what it was and will keep working on that.)

Here are some pictures of the rest of them. (Next time I shall get plastic tags so I can label them better for viewing heh.. Also if you look, some are pointing their leaves upward. I am not sure what that means, I couldn't really find any thing about that. The light is about 1-2 inches away from them. Not cupping or any thing like that. Just slanted going up. Any ideas on that?


I did order a grow tent. Been trying to light proof the area that I have them in atm, kinda hard when I did every thing backwards lol. I also did not think about it at the time, but I am sure smell will also be an issue. So here will be the parts to the new set up.

I hope I got what I needed. Btw, gotham was really cool, they even gave me a 5% discount (Not a big deal but saved me like $20)

I should get this stuff in a few days. If you guys have any comments on things I should get for the tent, please let me know :)

I also ordered some 2700k HO red lights for when they start to flower. Am I supposed to switch to red when they are pre-flower? and when they do flower? Not really sure and what I read didnt give a good answer on that.

My next grow I will be doing a hydro type system. Just because i got a really good deal on it, and I want to see how it goes. When I bought the T5 (8 bulbs) I got it from a yard sale from a man who was moving and couldn't take all this stuff with him. He threw in a full ebba and gro system that was more or less never used. Got all that for 100$, can't really beat that. So that will my next one after this in a few weeks. I will grow some soil along the side with it, I know hydro is a lot harder.

Any input or advise is always nice.


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There's still time/space to be looks mutated but the new growth looks like it could be normal. Let it ride for a bit.
Yeah, I think I will. And if not, hey maybe it will still give 1 gram lol :p