Indoor short stuff and freebie auto first grow journal!

Ok guys here is my day 30 update. I am counting from the day all sprouted over soil. It would be day 33 ir counting the day I germinated seeds. As you will see in the pictures they have started to flower. Included in the Pics is overall tent photo. Then I pulled two Russian rocket fuels out. One Himalayan blue diesel. One Pakistani Ryder and one auto blueberry.

Day 30:

Water in: 6.6
Water out: 6.5

Temperature: 68 night 80-87 during day

I feel we finally got the ph under control. As you can see I has deficiency after deficiency due to a 4.8 ph going on tornado while. Thanks to everyone who helped me through the issue. The picture with 2 plants side by side are 2 rrf phenotypes I guess. The shorter plant is the most mature of my girls. The upclose budshot is of her. If you look close the hairs are starting to turn Colorado. Is that normal at this stage? Wanted to make sure not pollinated... I have no males around.

The short rrf has upclose shots of woke leaves with little round dots. Calcium? I have also had yellow and soft stemmed lower leaves on a lot of ky plants. Overwatering??

The real leafy plant is the Pakistan Ryder. She is finally budding well.

The plant with the complete sea of green on top is the auto blueberry. Is that a sign my tent is overcrowded? I have 2 photo plants in there forn12 hours a day and it crowds it up. If I could accomplish this throughout the tent I could make a real nice canopy.

So what do you all think for day 30? They are all pretty tall for the most part. I hope they git past the ph problems finally and can finish in next month or so.
Sorry I put two backwards do not know how to change if a mod can go right ahead lol.
Looking good man from what I can see .....just keep putting Ph perfect water through .....gonna be doing so arrangements and I wish I could send pics from my phone .....I got some amazing close up yesterday!!!! Ladies getting frosty here!!!!
I wadded a 400w HPS yesterday .....dude its bright now d they ladies sure looking shiny now ....really see some tric development .....they getting all nasty sexy!!!!!
Nice work so far. I don't think I can do anything with your pics but, don't worry about it, half the grow logs on here have a sideways or upside down pic... think about where you're at... :bong:
Hey Joe what causes soft lower stem and yellowing leaves? I mean the stems on those real yellow ones are soft and the leaf was sitting on dirt or drooping down? Overwater? I thought maybe from flushing?
Here's some Pics today. Last night I fed them full strength fox farm trio nutrients. My ph is fine now I believe. What causes tips to curl up Joe? Here's one before feeding and after
I have Epsom salt if need be if u can recommend w dowager. Muddy said one tsp per quart but have not seen these Pics yet. Is thistle just normal during flowering? Also ky Epsom salt has I believe chamomile in it will this hurt the plants?