Indoor short stuff and freebie auto first grow journal!

Hey fellow growers.. I will he updating with Pics tonight my 1000 watt hps auto grow. Day 37 for my Russian rockets Himalayan blue diesel Pakistani Ryder and g13 labs auto blueberry. Check it out and tell me what you think
Hey guys. Here is my day 39 update with pictures.

Russian rocket fuel:

Water in: 6.7
water out: 6.6
soil ph: 6.5

These are maturing the fastest out of all the strains. My little yellow girl is a rrf and you will see how the buds are filling in.

Himalaya blue diesel:

Water in: 6.7
water out: 6.9
soil ph: 7.2

I feel these will take a little longer... closer to 75 80 days like they state online.

Auto blueberry g13 labs

Water in: 6.7
water out: 6.9
Soil ph: 7.2

My ph is high obviously. I love how this plants kinda sea of greened itself.

Pakistani ryder

Water in: 6.7
water out: 7.0
soil in: 7.3

Not too much to say here. I am gonna work on getting this ph down where I need.

Overall the girls are looking better after my low ph issue. For the first time I could see trichromes... it made me realize all this work is paying off. Sorry for the 2 day delay... it was a family members birthday.
Sorry for the blurry pictures too. Going to get a camera to flash the ladies right lol. Pardon the upskirt on my Russian too ;)
Hey guys. Here is pics of day 50 from seed of my 5 rrfs 3 hbd 1 auto bb and 1 pakistani ryder. I think the shorter rrf should be ready soon. I tried to get close up of the single top cola so you guys can tell me what you think. I do not have a better camera to check the trichromes yet. Its a quick update ill have another soon. I feel like the himalayan blue diesels are a little behind others so I will let them go to around day 75. Let me know what you guys think?
here is the pics. I forgot to press upload after 20 minutes of putting them in order lol.
DAMNG bro they look great bro ...I just testedsom of mine and was impressed and a few bums 68 I'd say my smallest plant was but I got 10 gs dry and is very herbal vegetale tasting...some buds were good at the top but didn't have much fruit flavor ....they looking good man ...

What did u do to fix the low Ph then it went so high ....I did this too and I assembly I added 1 to many hand sprinkles of dolomite .....I was able to flush it out but it took a week ...maybe a good lose Ph water flushwill get it lower ...

I did my flush in 5 stages of 10% runoff watering

Water every 4 hours and it worked for me in my coco blend I had made!! .Ph came down and she did well for 118 days afterward then she got smoked bur she needs bro cure too so she's in stash mode!!
How you liking the G13 auto blueberry? I picked up 12 of those fem beans and haven't started them yet but it'll be soon.
So far full auto the grow on it is going well it is the one plant that looks completely square sog top and is kinda yellow now. One of the single upper cola shots from above are of it as well. I'll let u know how it smokes soon. Swamp I just gave oh water at 6.5 for a few waterings with no nutrients. I learned Hess girls are like little puppies or relationships... U can't squeeze too hard or care too much or u kill it lol. I tried so hard to give nutrients and stuf which I do now... Did a lot of overwatering... I started using the kiss method and things greened back up for me real quick.
Full auto the first pic in the attached files on this last update is the auto bb. Was a freebie with attitude I won't complain lol
Explain the Kiss again for me bro cause I think I did the sane thing basically and revived my ladies ...fed plain Ph water and then a flush a few days later ...then I fed some carbs mag..Cal/mag water ...water Cal/mag and they really came back for me so in a week they gonna east some bud Garner and hawiann bud by growmore ....then water water water till they die!!!! ...shooting for 100-110 now basicclt I thought they finish there from the beginning ....I bad lady is foxtailing likecrazzy mad ...some buds look like dates or hands now waving at you with fkxtails ...gonna be some crazy harvest pics at 100-110 dad ...I fed a lil to much nitrogen so I got that out my blood its in the soil now and I'm gonna water mostly through my next grow .....bit more tests and dirt patterns are new test ....

IM LAYERING pebbles and more space at bottom for fresh air so this should be interesting g smaller pits bigger badder light and better sound knowledge of growing!!!!!

Good porn bud!!!!!