Indoor Oscorp Industries - Living Organics with Green Goblin

Day 51

I gave them all a bloom tea last night which I brewed for a solid 24 hrs at around 72°F..The tea is one of @Eyes on Fire 's recipes on the " A good tea template" thread..I threw in some minor additions to it,just to play with it and use some stuff I have on hand

The recipe is as follows:

3.5 - 4 gallons of water

Basmati rice - 1.5 - 2 cups (steeped for a bit for the rice wash and enriched water added right to the tea prior to brewing).

Mushroom compost - 1 cup

Composted cow manure - 1 cup

Bokashi - 1/4 cup

EWC - 1 cup (Fresh is best.use a mix of fresh and composted is best imho for a shorter brew at around 24 hours tops with fresh castings)

Insect Frass - 2 tablespoons

Baseline granular humus - 1.5 tablespoons

Bonemeal - 1 teaspoon (Flowering only imo) I used 1-1.5 teaspoons Guano 0-5-0

Azomite - 3 teaspoons

Powdered molasses - 2 tablespoons

Liquid fish 5-1-1 or 3-3-3 - 5 tablespoons. I used Neptune's 2-4-1

Sugar in the raw - 4 - 5 tablespoons

4 species Endo mix - 2.5 tablespoons with an 1/8 of a teaspoon boosted at mixing to feed...I used a blend of the 4 species from Sustainable Agricultural Technologies,VAM Endo and Great White.

cal mag,kelp powder,big bloom surfactant and/or any endo mix should ALL be added when mixing for feeding added after brewing of these components ( I added about a table spoon or a little over of liquid kelp to the brew and a quick glob of the Myco Chum to the brew as well)

Surfactant- 5 or 6 drops per gallon ( 1/8 tsp if soil is really dry ) I used 8 drops

Use 1/3-1/4 of a gallon of tea to 3/4 gallons of water

While the tea was brewing, I added a few ML's of Mammoth P to it as well but you can just add it to your feed pitcher when watering..Just experimenting after watching KIS Organics on Youtube add the Mammoth directly to the tea while brewing.

I didn't use the big bloom at the moment because I already had the Guano in the tea bag and as far as cal/mag that will be about 8 drops to a gallon of water on the the watering coming up.

Use 1/3-1/4 of a gallon of tea to 3/4 gallons of water


If you notice,some of the bud leaves are a little paler here and there than the others..That is just me trying to dial in lighting heights for those nice solid nugs and the plants saying yo,raise the light I'm getting a tan.I also wanted to mention,the contents from the brew bag when finished went in the soil I used on the Double Grape to be reamended and whatever settled on the bottom of the bucket once the tea was out of it was scooped up and spread within the mulch on the soil surface of all 3 plants.
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Nice one buddy! Now that my outdoor harvest is done its time to read threads and plan for next year...

Sounds good to me, plenty of good info on this site and if you really want to dig in and get a solid understanding on something 1 on 1 PM's are the tool..Not only can you grow some fire weed,but you may just stumble across some super cool dudes on here and build some solid friendships with like minded individuals.
Been stocking up on pretty nice,cheap light deps to keep the cabinet full in between grows...This Afwreck ( Afghani x Trainwreck ) is very good for the price..Tastes just like it smells...Has like a fruity,lemon pinesol citrus skunky aroma that projects far.. You pop the jar and the room fills...The nugs are super dense too...I have some Chocolope from Dna genetics on the way as well so I'll throw a pic up of that as soon as I get it...Croptober baby.

Been stocking up on pretty nice,cheap light deps to keep the cabinet full in between grows...This Afwreck ( Afghani x Trainwreck ) is very good for the price..Tastes just like it smells...Has like a fruity,lemon pinesol citrus skunky aroma that projects far.. You pop the jar and the room fills...The nugs are super dense too...I have some Chocolope from Dna genetics on the way as well so I'll throw a pic up of that as soon as I get it...Croptober baby.

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Got my lungs twitchin' GG...NOOICE:bow:
Sounds good to me, plenty of good info on this site and if you really want to dig in and get a solid understanding on something 1 on 1 PM's are the tool..Not only can you grow some fire weed,but you may just stumble across some super cool dudes on here and build some solid friendships with like minded individuals.
Def that's the case! So far everyone I have msg has been awesome. Def happy to share too.