Indoor Oscorp Industries - Living Organics with Green Goblin

Great! I’ll have to decant a small bottle for home then!
Still away away from doing full waters. Just giving the little ones 250ml every few days at the moment. Pots starting to get pretty light though. Thinking I’ll do some compost tea for next week before they start kicking off. From what you said before best to give the Castile beforehand to help with the spread of saturation. Maybe a litre of water with the soap in each 5 gal pot first, let it seep in a bit.
(Excuse my mix of imperial and metric)!
Cal mag options are slim at my local shop. They stock general hydroponics Cali magic 1-0-0. They sware by it but I’m a bit sceptical! We sell magnesium flakes in the store, but nothing appropriate for calcium. I’m sure there’s a whole plethora of natural alternatives, I’ll have to do some research.

Thanks for all the info bud, appreciate it!
Canopy is filling up, been bending branches,letting them spring up again then pulling them back down..Did some more leaf tucking,adjusted the lights to around 33" ( which as they continue to stretch I can pull them further away to some extent with the velcro tape while dialing in their comfort level as far as light distance) I also watered at 12 am with 5 drops of Castile & 5 drops of Cal/mag to a gallon of water ( about 1/2 a gallon per plant starting with the cups then working my way out towards the fabric pot edge with no runoff just slightly damp on the bottom )..Right before I watered,I went in with some scissors and removed all the leggy undergrowth with like 2 pistils from all 3 plants.


What is your light height to top of canopy now approx bro? Just watching your nice stretch, and making notes for what height(intensity vs. spectrum) in stretching, nodal spacing, etc.

Thanks, again, they look sweet! Keep growin and showin...:smokeit:
What is your light height to top of canopy now approx bro? Just watching your nice stretch, and making notes for what height(intensity vs. spectrum) in stretching, nodal spacing, etc.

Thanks, again, they look sweet! Keep growin and showin...:smokeit:

Thanks man, yeah the distance from canopy to lights is 33 inches..As they keep pushing vertically I pull them back down to that level,checking with a tape measure..When stretch stops,then from that height I can lower the lights little by little watching for signs of stress until I have what I feel to be the desired light height for those plants.I won't have to worry about the aggressive verticle growth once flower really sets in and light distance will rely solely on what I adjust them at not how fast the plants are growing.
Sitting on the floor with the plants at the moment,giving them some water and just adjusting the mulch and stuff..I take a look closer,the main stalk where I topped on the back left plant split in two halves like a Y from pulling the side branches down and trying to keep the canopy somewhat level :yoinks: That's how I felt when I seen it until I realized it must of happened some time ago because the wound was healed and it had no effect on the plant whatsoever..Leaves didn't droop abnormally for days,nothing..Some troopers that's for sure..So what I did was took some jute rope I had lying around and reinforced the area so when flowers start putting on weight it doesn't have a lot of leeway to break further..Glad my eye caught that..It healed up really nice too.The rope is not on there extremely tight either as to not restrict anything.

Captain, we have lost all canopy control,I repeat all canopy control has been lost..See those taller branches in the back? I really want to tie them down but they are way too vulnerable after that stalk split..I went to pull them towards the back of the tent and looked down at the split and it was moving so I backed up like nevermind,I wasn't even here continue growing..That back right plant is going to finish first when the time comes I feel..I think from what I read that is the Forum Stomper dominant plant,don't quote me on that..The taller less developed budsites are leaning more towards the Fugue State side of things I think..Already have frost on the Forum plant and the smells in there..woo..especially when the humidity rises a little bit and it hits about 79°F forget about it.
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Sitting on the floor with the plants at the moment,giving them some water and just adjusting the mulch and stuff..I take a look closer,the main stalk where I topped on the back left plant split in two halves like a Y from pulling the side branches down and trying to keep the canopy somewhat level :yoinks: That's how I felt when I seen it until I realized it must of happened some time ago because the wound was healed and it had no effect on the plant whatsoever..Leaves didn't droop abnormally for days,nothing..Some troopers that's for sure..So what I did was took some jute rope I had lying around and reinforced the area so when flowers start putting on weight it doesn't have a lot of leeway to break further..Glad my eye caught that..It healed up really nice too.The rope is not on there extremely tight either as to not restrict anything.

View attachment 952969
Nice Repair binding there!