Indoor Oscorp Industries - Living Organics with Green Goblin

Day 30

Just finished up their watering. They were given 4 drops of Castile soap and 4 drops of Cal/mag per gallon of water.I watered until the smallest amount of water pooled up into the catch trays underneath and let them sit in it for about 30 mins to wick up the excess..Anything left over,which shouldn't be much gets tossed ( or given to house plants ). That sativa leaning pheno wants to reach for the sky I'm telling ya.Hopefully, within the next week stretch subsides a little. Lights have been raised the furthest they can go,and I mean I put the ratchet hangers to the side and tied each cob to the roof poles super tight with twine..If I remember correctly,after doing that, the distance from the top of the sativa pheno to the light is 31".


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Man this is getting good!! I have found 28" to be about the minimum with the cobs I have from Cobshop.

Yeah man, the closest I've personally gotten the cobs in this space is about 24-26" and that was mid to late flower trying to hammer them with the light and test the limits.You can see in the Grape Walker Kush I was testing it on, the serrated edges were up and if any lower bleaching would of definitely followed. As far as the sativa leaning pheno goes, I'll bend her up if need be lol I specialize in training, she don't want none of this :biggrin: You're on the money though, 28" is a nice height.

Day 31

Got in there and took some measurements to see where I stand stretch wise..The sativa leaning pheno is now 26", the front leftand back right are 21" and the front right is 23.5"..I'm going to get in there soon and do some thinning out to actually make room for the flowers lol and make some space for good air circulation..Day 34 is watering day, and we are almost halfway to the finish line.:toke: Well, I don't know about that one in the back left, ol' pain in the ass, she will definitely go longer than the others.


Next watering I would be hitting them with a transition tea which would essentially be a veg tea with some flower additions like big bloom & mammoth but I may just hold off on that ( Will be watering with Mammoth P though).The flower tea I will be using is listed below..Somewhere around day 40 something I'll use it,haven't decided yet. The recipe is one of EoF's.It never hurts to top dress your pots with some good EWC either,about 1-2".

3.5 - 4 gallons of water

Basmati rice - 1.5 - 2 cups (steeped for a bit for the rice wash and enriched water added right to the tea prior to brewing). Add 1 cup or so of rice ( in cheesecloth or pantyhose )to a gallon of water and use that rice wash as one of your gallons in the 3.5 - 4 gallons of water for the tea.

Mushroom compost - 1 cup

Composted cow manure - 1 cup

Bokashi - 1/4 cup

EWC - 1 cup (Fresh is best.use a mix of fresh and composted is best imho for a shorter brew at around 24 hours tops with fresh castings)

Insect Frass - 2 tablespoons

Baseline granular humus - 1.5 tablespoons

Bonemeal - 1 teaspoon (Flowering only imo)

Azomite - 3 teaspoons

Powdered molasses - 2 tablespoons

Liquid fish 5-1-1 or 3-3-3 - 5 tablespoons ( I have Neptune's Harvest 2-4-1 )

Sugar in the raw - 4 - 5 tablespoons

4 species Endo mix - 2.5 tablespoons with an 1/8 of a teaspoon boosted at mixing to feed.

cal mag,kelp powder,big bloom surfactant and/or any endo mix should ALL be added when mixing for feeding added after brewing of these components

Surfactant- 5 or 6 drops per gallon ( 1/8 tsp if soil is really dry )

Use 1/3-1/4 of a gallon tea to 3/4 water

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