Indoor Oscorp Industries - Living Organics with Green Goblin

Day 27

Day 28

I removed 1 set of large fan leaves on each plant to unveil the lower growth and allow them access to more light..Now we wait while they finish stretch so they can grow some nice flowers.Been watering every 4 days, on and off with the Castile soap but that's it..some leaf tucking was applied here and there as well.



I did some more pruning and raised the lights some.The top leaves were giving me the indicator to move them up which is to be expected especially with the stretch.I pruned the first shoots above the first true leaves down below.They were scraggly and we know the outcome of scraggly stems that aren't receiving adequate lighting :pop: Sure the plant could have drawn food from them at one point,but no need.If anything I want all energy focused on the tops of the plants.

they make a nice bouquet



EDIT: Forgot to mention, you don't have to throw these out.You can add these to your mulch layer and eventually they will break down.If you have worms in your pots,they can be a good food source especially if you break them down into small pieces and then add.You can also toss these in your compost or worm bin if you have them.Break'em up,toss'em in..set it and forget it..well, almost.:toke:
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Plant heights have been measured so far on day 29..The 2 front ones are both exactly 20". The back right one is 19" and the stretchy lady in the back left is 24"..I had to bend her down a little, as my lights have hit the ceiling..On top of that, you have to factor in the additional 11" in fabric pot height..In reality, I need a bigger space with more height so I can do my thing, but this is what I have to work with at the moment..I usually run LST in here for this reason but I like to switch it up once in a while and see how the plants grow naturally..3 Autocobs in here would be overkill as the serrated edges on the front left started to lift when I didn't lift the light up for a day or so..All is well though, I cross my fingers they are almost done stretching or everybody is going to get their neck bent :naughtystep: Pretty soon I will start implementing Mammoth P like around day 35 ( every other watering ) and Cal/mag will be introduced ( not much just a few drops into a gallon ) starting tomorrow every 2-3 waterings..Following soon after, I may make a decent flower tea which I'll post up the recipe I'm using then.

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