Mephisto Genetics MikeyB420, HBSS and GN Telos

Nah, ditched my pH meters for this run! I spent a lot of money in the past on those things and unless you are being Anal and accurate.........
I used to pH everything.................takes a long time?

Bio-Bizz nutes (generally?), which I am using are good in the early stages with my pH 7.3 water, obviously with the Telos's, plants demand more Cal-Mag sooner under my regime, as I have found out! I just want a grow to progress without too much intervention by a human hand, other than watering with nute's!

OK, it's a bit of an experiment (and I don't want to dis GN) but, we shall see?!



id still be doing my ph your hbbs looks like classic ph problem to me also this is just my opinion but the bio bizz stuff seems a bit unstable ph wise
Andi is having some diffs to biobizz soil and nutes probably unrelated,some good info in his thread.
i used to live in a hard water area,long before i was growing though,tea was terrible.the scale in the kettle is calcium so your plants must be getting lots of cal ? but no mag.
i used to test and micro adjust my ph all the time,stopped because at the start of a grow my ph would be 6.8ish come the end of grow 6.2 ish.(im happy with ish)
if you havnt used a ph pen in a month or two chances are it will be up the left or banjaxed next time its used.
you dont have hard water at all its someone else im thinking of,and im talking a lot of tripe.
Day something or other :)



I think we can safely say that Haylie has suffered but, hopefully recovering?


Hilary looks good thou?



Not going to go into details but, these Duff sisters are no more!

End of thread...............admins , how do you delete a fuck up?


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But...................those small?, SHrivialled buds taste ......................GOOD!

Not even Cured yet?

