Mephisto Genetics MikeyB420, HBSS and GN Telos

I'M on board mikey. I have two Mephisto ripleys og. about a week away from harvest. I like their strains! :cheers:
a little late so I am at the back of the bus.
I hope so. She's a slow mover. I've been dealing with it as well from the start with my cob leds too. No matter if I didn't add it to my base nutes, or added it, they still looked like fookin shit. Think I've got it pinned down to my municipal hard tap water though
And your pH is?

(mines 7.3)



I'd kill for some of that 7.3 hahaha. My gh test drop ph kit puts my tap at over 8 and 160ppm. Dark green with a blue tint. I age it but i dont know I've tried no cal mag, regular cal mag, extra cal mag lmao never gets better that I can tell....I ph my water to 5.8-6.2 depending but my nutes get it really close if not dead on it's just all the carbonates and such I think they're locking out nutrients. I won't know if I don't try distilled or ro water though I figure I've got nothing to lose I use complete one part all micros
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Early in the growing cycle, Bio-Bizz nutes (Root Juice, Fish- mix et all) don't add much to the 'pH Down syndrome', as they are in such small quantities per litre of water, in the first few weeks of feeding therefore my pH going to be is 6.8 maybe? 6.3 with added PM Cal Mag! I've dumped my pH meters, I look at the plant and estimate what it needs for nutrient's as it grows!

I always take my water from the tap 2-3 days before into 5 litre containers and let it settle before I add nutes

Have you tried that? High pH water can also be oxygenated (with bubble's) to reduce pH

I'd have music in the tent 24/7 but..............................

I'm a bitch




