Oh! I'm sorry!
I failed to rate the Entertainment Value of my visit to WallyWorld!
I give today's visit a 4.63 on a 5.0 scale! That
is including the "Canna Multiplying Factor"!

There was 'quality' amusement in every department. That's not to say the distribution was very even.
There was a significant lack of entertainment in the meat and produce department!

I'm sure it was in direct correlation to the insane price spikes cause by the fools in charge.
The only redeeming example of amusement was actually a contender for the best bit!
A Little old Lady was picking up a package of Angus beef and was obviously very nearsighted. She brought the package close to her eyes to see the price, I guess. The next thing I hear was, "Oh my God!" She then let out a VERY loud FART!

Some of you may be wondering why that is not THE top bit of entertainment. Normally, I'd wholeheartedly agree, but I was privy to a conversation, one-sided as it may have been, of a young girl 'dressing down' her boyfriend on his romantic actions sometime earlier. Yet that was not the kicker of the brief encounter.

As they passed by me, with the young lady in the lead, she gave me quite the obvious 'Come hither 'look that did catch me by surprise, but I was able to give her a winking reply without busting up laughing..

The only reason today's trip to Wally World was not a 5 out of 5, was the insane price increases just so detracted from the experience.