Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Hmmm, seems that until I rep someone else, I can't shoot you a white Christmas one. Ah well, you know I tried. Have a great celebration down there in the banana belt @Kyote, even if it is temporarily white. :biggrin: Doggie walks today were at -21C. Tried to take a pic for you stoners, but the phone battery died before I hit the button. Good think the micro mutt loves winter. :biggrin::pighug:

That is coming our way as well. :snow2: . going to see some -15 to -20 here starting Sunday and supposed to last for a spell as well. Stay warm up there and hope doggie has a coat n touque :smoking:
@hairyman :d5: Did a lot of driving in snow for years.. only other people's driving concerned me.. goof balls putting AWD's in the ditches and such :rofl:
Ditto. Been driving on snowy and icy roads for about forty years or thereabouts. Number of times off the road or in a collision, zero. Number of 4x4's, transport trucks, logging trucks, cars, and SUV's in the ditch as I passed - probably hundreds, I lost track years ago. On one drive between Prince Rupert and Terrace, there were over a half dozen vehicles in the ditch. Luckily, as far as I know, none of them managed to get into the Skeena River, which at ~0C would be a bit brutal. The highway closed not long after I departed. It was slippery enough that it was hard to stand on the pavement.

Good tires, the right attitude, and instinctive skid control skills developed during play as an early driver help lots. Any one of the three missing, and trouble is pretty much guaranteed.

Stay safe peeps, lots of western Canada and the US is up for a serious dose of winter over the next week. :biggrin:
So it actually didn't end up being too bad at all. Not sure if they told my uncle and that crew not to come or what, but it ended up being just me and the kids, mom, gma, and my brother and sister. Plus the Suki pup. Mom and gma were worried about her being too crazy or trying to snag food but she was a very good girl, stuck by my mostly unless she was herding up the far too excited kids lol. My gma really hates any kind of big dogs (she's a weirdo it is what it is) but Suki sat so nicely to wait for pets and gma even got some kisses. Tried to French my mom which was hilarious but idk what she expected sitting on the floor. My siblings are boring, brother didn't want to even try my smoke. Sister took one baby hit cause I wanted her to just see what it tasted like. She claims that every weed she's ever tried has made her nauseated, which is crazy to me. I wore a stupid torture device cause I figured there would be pictures taken so I'm super uncomfortable but seeing as there's no clasp I'm gonna have to wait for hubby to get home to assist. I hate them so much, feel like I can't get a full breath which makes me dizzy af.
That is coming our way as well. :snow2: . going to see some -15 to -20 here starting Sunday and supposed to last for a spell as well. Stay warm up there and hope doggie has a coat n touque :smoking:
No toque, and she hates, absolutely loathes, her coat. If the dearest or I even reach in its direction, the dog leaves. We only insist on it when it is snowing heavily and she would get soaked. She is actually happier at -20 than she is during heavy snow at -2. So today, she had a great romp in the snow, no problem at all. The dearest and I were layered to the max. Damn good thing that there was no breeze. Facial skin was complaining even without one. Walking upwind at that temperature is absolutely brutal.

Good luck with the temps @Kyote, I hope you don't run into freezing problems. Lots of houses down there were not set up for those sorts of temperatures. And who has block heaters down there? Mostly peeps who have moved from somewhere with winter. :biggrin:
Ditto. Been driving on snowy and icy roads for about forty years or thereabouts. Number of times off the road or in a collision, zero. Number of 4x4's, transport trucks, logging trucks, cars, and SUV's in the ditch as I passed - probably hundreds, I lost track years ago. On one drive between Prince Rupert and Terrace, there were over a half dozen vehicles in the ditch. Luckily, as far as I know, none of them managed to get into the Skeena River, which at ~0C would be a bit brutal. The highway closed not long after I departed. It was slippery enough that it was hard to stand on the pavement.

Good tires, the right attitude, and instinctive skid control skills developed during play as an early driver help lots. Any one of the three missing, and trouble is pretty much guaranteed.

Stay safe peeps, lots of western Canada and the US is up for a serious dose of winter over the next week. :biggrin:

Right? Every time i got a new rig, the first snow would find me out playing in it to see what i could do and not do. :biggrin:
No toque, and she hates, absolutely loathes, her coat. If the dearest or I even reach in its direction, the dog leaves. We only insist on it when it is snowing heavily and she would get soaked. She is actually happier at -20 than she is during heavy snow at -2. So today, she had a great romp in the snow, no problem at all. The dearest and I were layered to the max. Damn good thing that there was no breeze. Facial skin was complaining even without one. Walking upwind at that temperature is absolutely brutal.

Good luck with the temps @Kyote, I hope you don't run into freezing problems. Lots of houses down there were not set up for those sorts of temperatures. And who has block heaters down there? Mostly peeps who have moved from somewhere with winter. :biggrin:

Ya, i'll have the water dripping here for sure. IF it gets cold enuff for block heaters for us, it'z time to stow away on a freighter to the south pacific or somtin :smoking:
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