Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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I got a damn EXPLOSION of fungus gnats! Looks like it's the Earthbox is the source. No damn idea where these bastards came from! I haven't had a problem for a year.
I think that in giving the bokashi some room for it to grow by sticking something under the 'shower cap' cover, it also gave the gnats an ideal environment. Naturally, it's my best girl!!!:grrr1:
That means I have to kill the good bug in there too! I guess I can re-inoculate it from my worm bin.

I have Dr Zymes and skeeter dunks. Which one is best or should I double whammy them?

Pretty sure they're fungus gnats, they're doing the butt 2 butt fandango breeding dance on top of the cover.

Bad Luck @WildBill ...:headbang:..I Hope you get them sorted....are fungus gnats a low soil ph problem...?
2 days before Christmas Eve! I better start shopping finally! Walmart hooooooooooo!
My wife and I avoid Walmart from Thanksgiving until January 2nd lol. It's jackass season, And I barely make it out during that time period without being cuffed for smacking someone with their shopping cart lol. Can't even get to my munchies without some coupon collecting rich bi*** getting in the way haha.
Atleast it’s fungus gnats, and not worse bugs, fungus gnats imo are the easiest to get rid of, what is (not telling ya what to do), just put a thickish layer of perlite on top of medium, won’t kill the gnats flying around, but will keep them off the top layer where they breed and eventually they die off, and the larvae on top layer either suffocate or mature and fly out and then again die off, that’s just me though

*they are annoying af though*
Replace perlite with D.E. and you've got my method lol
Look at the destruction they pulled those two babies out of...:pass:...

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Among all the destruction, they we're found safe! Strange things always happen in tornadoes.
I was 2 or 3 when we had a tornado go thru our neighborhood. The lady across the street had her roof removed, but VERY little damage in the house and the lady was fine in her tub and a mattress pulled over her. Dad said I slept thru it all.:rofl:
Did you just call me a "ho"?


A Ho..Ho...Ho.....:crying:

ho ho ho.gif
ho ho ho.gif
ho ho ho.gif
ho ho ho.gif
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Among all the destruction, they we're found safe! Strange things always happen in tornadoes.
I was 2 or 3 when we had a tornado go thru our neighborhood. The lady across the street had her roof removed, but VERY little damage in the house and the lady was fine in her tub and a mattress pulled over her. Dad said I slept thru it all.:rofl:

Amazing huh.....:karmacloud:...karma for everyone caught up in the aftermath.
There has been some natural disasters lately...:pass:
Awhile back I was having my first go round with fungus gnats. A trusted friend with loads of growing experience suggested I put down a layer (1 inch thick) of white playground sand and to generously sprinkle mosquito bits on top of that and water it in well. Also to keep a fan blowing across the top of the soil to make it much harder for the fliers to land on the surface. I had them really bad when I did this and within 2 weeks they were tremendously reduced in numbers. I kept it up and they were gone completely in about a month. Now I lightly sprinkle the mosquito bits on the surface of all my plants and have not had a repeat of the problem.

OH, I forgot to mention that I also was using the yellow sticky paper cut in strips about 2" wide and placed along the inside of the pot on the surface of the medium.
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