Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Never heard that one!

Too bad none of those methods would break the life cycle and still grow........... ain't doing the last. it's silly

It says 4-8 hours after adding the potato chunks...if you have a bad infestation the potatoes will literally be crawling in grubs..........yyyyyeeeurk................:crying:
Quick Google for you says DE is one of the most effective methods @WildBill ...good luck...... :headbang:
It worked the first time!
It says 4-8 hours after adding the potato chunks...if you have a bad infestation the potatoes will literally be crawling in grubs..........yyyyyeeeurk................:crying:
Hmmmmm...........Might try that today and see whut happens.I'll post ya some pics IF it works.:eyebrows::biggrin:
Hmmmmm...........Might try that today and see whut happens.I'll post ya some pics IF it works.:eyebrows::biggrin:

You just wanna Creep me out don'tcha.....?..............:eyebrows:.....But....IF it is a Handy Trick to you can See which pots have the worst infestation....:headbang:

I got a damn EXPLOSION of fungus gnats! Looks like it's the Earthbox is the source. No damn idea where these bastards came from! I haven't had a problem for a year.
I think that in giving the bokashi some room for it to grow by sticking something under the 'shower cap' cover, it also gave the gnats an ideal environment. Naturally, it's my best girl!!!:grrr1:
That means I have to kill the good bug in there too! I guess I can re-inoculate it from my worm bin.

I have Dr Zymes and skeeter dunks. Which one is best or should I double whammy them?

Pretty sure they're fungus gnats, they're doing the butt 2 butt fandango breeding dance on top of the cover.
I had them in my 2x4 and I watered in h2o2 and then covered in DE and got rid of em quicker then ever! Big pots in the 4x4 have predator mites and nematodes and never saw a single 1 in their! :d5:
That may work in the EB, without the cover. I just don't have any on hand

I don't know Auntie, but my soil pH is fine.
They may have been there from my bin or other source and I changed the environment with giving a bit of an air space for the mikos to grow better. I think it gave them an advantage to thrive. Everything else in the EB kept them in check before I changed it.

Yeah, That's gonna be my method. That's what I finally had to resort to on the first time I got them. Nothing else I tried broke the life cycle. That may have been my fault by not reapplying at the correct time.
I'll just have to pull off the cover for the remainder of the two or so weeks left to make sure I break the life cycle. I hate having to do that and harming/killing my good bugs.
Sounds like your good bugs ain’t doing their job! :(
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