Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Hells yo the yaaaaaa!!!!! Glad I’m not a numbskull when it comes to fixing stuff! My window ac was leaking inside the house BAD so took it outside and dismantled it only to find the condenser drain pan and drain hole were plugged up with some funky slime shit! Cleaned it out and got all the leaves and debris out and cleaned dust off condenser and reassembled it and now working like a champ! Good thing too cuz bedroom had got up to 80! :yoinks:

Leak free now and blowing frigid again!:yay:
Hells yo the yaaaaaa!!!!! Glad I’m not a numbskull when it comes to fixing stuff! My window ac was leaking inside the house BAD so took it outside and dismantled it only to find the condenser drain pan and drain hole were plugged up with some funky slime shit! Cleaned it out and got all the leaves and debris out and cleaned dust off condenser and reassembled it and now working like a champ! Good thing too cuz bedroom had got up to 80! :yoinks:
View attachment 1398276
Leak free now and blowing frigid again!:yay:

jeezus dude, u got that thing set on 6 fuckin degreez-??! :yoinks: ppp
Hate any stories like that, we had a house fire when I was a kid 9 y.o, nobody was hurt but half the house was in ruins, traumatised all of us... always take great care with the setup but if your equipment shits out on you, what can be done??
My tent is on a tiled floor and against tiled walls, we keep nothing flammable close by, gives me a modicum of assurance :rolleyes1::rolleyes1: fire extinguisher in the apartment and smoke alarms in each room, got to be prepared for it :thumbsup: wouldn't wish that on anybody at all honestly, grow safe and smart :bighug:
I have one of these that lives on top of my tent that I hope is never needed
Hate any stories like that, we had a house fire when I was a kid 9 y.o, nobody was hurt but half the house was in ruins, traumatised all of us... always take great care with the setup but if your equipment shits out on you, what can be done??
My tent is on a tiled floor and against tiled walls, we keep nothing flammable close by, gives me a modicum of assurance :rolleyes1::rolleyes1: fire extinguisher in the apartment and smoke alarms in each room, got to be prepared for it :thumbsup: wouldn't wish that on anybody at all honestly, grow safe and smart :bighug:
We did too when I was in high school! Crazy part was my mom was carrying her bird out and it got scared and bit her and flew off! Was an expensive ass blue and gold macaw and the newspaper did a story about it! Just so happened it had landed on a fence beside a busy street and someone stopped their car and grabbed her but someone else saw and thought it was suspicious and followed them home! They saw the newspaper article and contacted my mom and took her to the house and sure enough they had her bird! She got it back cuz it was tagged and stuff so could prove it was hers but they had already gone out and spent hundreds of bucks on cages and shit expecting to keep it! Lucky for moms it didn’t work out like that and she got her bird back! :thumbsup:

Sucked living in a rental apartment for 3 months with a huge ass loud bird while they rebuilt everything!:cuss::rofl:
Used GW in DWC for several grows with mixed results (no chiller). My experience has been that (at least in DWC) Hydroguard (or presumably SouthernAg eq.) results in less root pathogens. In DWC, a monoculture of a proven strain (versus a kitchen sink approach with GW) outcompetes pythium and its allies more effectively (contra living soil). IMHO, YMMV, etc.
Yes, In DWC it will cause or contribute to a bio-film that can be a problem in a warm reservoir. I would only use once a month the day before a res change. It establishes a colony on the roots so it is not needed all of the time. In my rock wool I just use it at transplant.
We did too when I was in high school! Crazy part was my mom was carrying her bird out and it got scared and bit her and flew off! Was an expensive ass blue and gold macaw and the newspaper did a story about it! Just so happened it had landed on a fence beside a busy street and someone stopped their car and grabbed her but someone else saw and thought it was suspicious and followed them home! They saw the newspaper article and contacted my mom and took her to the house and sure enough they had her bird! She got it back cuz it was tagged and stuff so could prove it was hers but they had already gone out and spent hundreds of bucks on cages and shit expecting to keep it! Lucky for moms it didn’t work out like that and she got her bird back! :thumbsup:

Sucked living in a rental apartment for 3 months with a huge ass loud bird while they rebuilt everything!:cuss::rofl:
Man that's the best fuckin story I've seen on AFN :rofl: come for a chat about weed and look where we end up :muahaha: and I'm so happy you got the bird back, I was crying with happiness when we saw the rabbit was ok! Just far enough away to have escaped a) burning up and b) being drowned by the fire hose
Always a bright side I guess :pighug: :pass:
Was Up Was Up, Big Props to peeps in Live Chat, helped say get better, this am was rough one, basically guess woke up on wrong side of bed and was just I’ll af, but some y’all helped make day better (and some Discord and IG peeps)
Some pics of the “Incognito Nightstand” grow. Thought about starting a journal for her. But flipped to 12/12 few days ago, think I would rather start a journal from seed. And when time comes, to start a journal, thinking letting y’all decide the strain(s). I know gonna be an auto, but let y’all choose one my strains or a buddy of mine’s HummingbirdHills auto.
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