Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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So u say but I added mephisto one onto mine a while back but never awarded! I had multiple in at same time as Meph and got those but not the Meph 1! :shrug:

You have 7 badges @Fermented_Fruitz ..I've added the Meph Should show up when site cycles...:toke:

But....this is the reason it is going for a major overhaul....the whole badge system is screwed ATM...
This is my first run of meph gear and I am thoroughly impressed so far.
The next Stomper you grow, do nothing other than tucking or taking leaves that covers the side colas. It won't be many that you need to take or tuck. She's a very efficient little girl. She's very symmetrical with just no wasted effort. I've had no larf with this girl and just plain hard ass nuggs! She's just a water and feed girl.
Harvest is just as easy. Chop her base, take the fan leaves, stick her base in some packing foam and stand her upright in a cardboard box for a nice slow dry. Then just snip off the side colas, trim the frosty sugar leaves, pop off buds and bag or jar.
This is a girl that you could load up a 4x4 with 3gal pots and have a very easy 2lb harvest with very minimal effort. Topping would give a pretty good return for a little effort.

That would be 2lbs+ of VERY high quality canna that you just can't buy anywhere. I took a little(relative)9 month old nug yesterday from a Grove bag to make my quick one hit mix with the Asian Haze. Very pretty cured light brown/tan nug on the outside with a lighter creamy crystalline interior. It gums up the cheap ass grinder and I have to brush out both halves of the grinder. I can't resist and take some for a little hit in the bong. YUM!

The ease of growing and the very high quality bud is why I just knew I had to make seeds with this girl....just a simple no brainer!

I think after you cure that girl and sample, you'll love the bud. Yeah, it was difficult not to train her......even just a little opening up............but it's just not a requirement with this girl. My first was a nicely ambered 65day girl at chop.
The only way she could be better is just being bigger....plain and simple.

And yes, I know you can do it. I know you have the strength to resist the need to train. I did it, so can you! LOL!
VERY sad! :yoinks::yoinks::yoinks:

I think I have 9 buds left, but they are BIG buds. If my cup seeds would come in, I could drop some more Stomper beans and test the S1 seeds I made.
I WILL have a Stomper only tent sometime this year.
One Regular EarthBox
Two Jr EarthBox

Fill the remaining with 3 gal pots......prolly 6

Oh the funk of opening the tent! It will be glorious!!! :yay::yay::yay:


No! I'm not high yet! I'm in the process of fixing that! Ahhhh yes! Glorious nerve pain told me it was time to wake up.............waaaaaaaay worse than when Mom had to wake me from my teenage coma every school day morning.
Waaaay worse than normal! I guess I slept funky. That nerve pain today needs to be bitch slapped hard, so I'm breaking out the Green Monster cannabutter.:what?: Nothing to lose with this much fuggin' pain!:wall:

Wish me luck and tell MomI love her! :rofl::rofl:
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