Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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all but 2 of thoze u can give urself in ur account detailz ;) it'z kinda complicated to explain if u've never done it, lol, but they all take a keyword in the "badge request" "soil grower" keyword is GSoil ...go to ur main profile, click on badgez, then available badgez to find the keywordz for the vendor badgez....i think, lol :rolleyes2: u put em all in the same badge request box, with each seperated by a space, i know that much, lol....and for the onez like "welcome to our home", jus click the lil megaphone icon beside it to have it show under ur name :goodluck: ppp
So u say but I added mephisto one onto mine a while back but never awarded! I had multiple in at same time as Meph and got those but not the Meph 1! :shrug:
Like most of us don't have an octopus like that?
Mines outside the tent but inside is clean!

Don’t need no fires starting where I couldn’t see em! If my wall starts shooting sparks they’ll be raining on my head so like to think I’d notice! :rofl:
Lil before and after for the muttleys! Both have been to the groomers now so hopefully no more airborne hair balls while trying to cook dinner! :thumbsup::rofl:
Lola (chillin in corners for whatever reason):shrug:

Yea I'm definitely up for doing a organic grow,
Wen I have the space I'll take you up on the offer,
I was amazed at the one you did for the outdoor grow comp, was it asian haze? Maybe not but I loved the idea,
Could I grow two plants in a custom made earth box?
Ohhh weee so many questions??????? And some many possibilities :pass:
I have a thew plans for the next 2 grows but I'm gonna be all over your offer to help,
Thanks once I have room
Just let me know.
Yes, you could grow two in a custom sip.
2022, well last I read when the canna industry is gonna start kicking off in VA

It will be interesting to see what pans out commercially. As it sounds now, too much "social justice" involved in doling out the licenses.
You don't think things are going to go wonky with the change in command? One thing of many I'm concerned about may be the new governor reversing course on legalization.

Too much tax revenue to be lost and the cat is out of the bag so to speak. There is no turning back now! Hopefully they will try to keep out big corporate, but it's just a matter of time for that anyway...Don't see it becoming a free for all though due to the conservative nature of the rural areas. Cops are already hassling the hemp farms. However, with traditional farming struggling,(which i'm surrounded by) it could be a big boost for that segment.
View attachment 1397816happiness... Apparently I need to take advantage of the lotion selection in the house...

Hey Jersey! What contraption did you use to make those pucks? Need one of those! Also, can you please send me a hoagie from Hoagie Haven in Princeton please!!!
Lol thanks for the rep @Cardinal! This is just the holding tub for now, but I feel like since I've got it now I'm gonna have to grow in it at some point :rofl: @WildBill or any of my other living soil peeps, once I'm done cooking this and I've removed what I need for this grow, should I plant a cover crop on it? Or just leave it till needed?

I first read your question wrong. I thought it was just about establishing a cover crop while growing canna. Thay's at yje bottom
No need to/have to plant a cover crop growing in the media left after potting up.
Just keep it in a tote

Keep it slightly less moist than composting moist and turn it every two or three weeks. In other words, just keep cooking.

Hopefully you have a big tarp or a chunk of concrete to mix it up. Bigger is easier to mix and to get the proper moisture level.
Moisten as you go when mixing.
You are perfectly fine in using your mix as soon as it doesn't heat back up in roughly 3 days after remixing it and adding moisture if needed.

Initial thoughts on an active cover crop.when I misread the question.

If you'e gonna transplant, go ahead and plant a cover crop and let it run. Transplanting is just easier.
Ya don't need/have to put it in a tent. Just grow it like you would a regular houseplant. Give it enough light to grow the cover crop.
Now, you can put it in the tent and it could be quite a bit better and quicker.

Or pot it up, plant/transplant your girls, sow the cover crop and just grow.

Any way you want to do it
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