Good Morfnoevight All! EO.
I had a chore this morning or I may have still been in bed. It is cloudy and raining and nice and dark in the bedroom still! Just the kind of day to sleep in late.
We used to have 24 packs of the cherry bombs and we would buy them 10 at a time for $15 The real prize was the M80s , they could lift a 33gallon trash can 20 feet into the air.

Something is wrong with that Coco Coir or your measurement method. After flushing that much be sure to re-buffer it with 150 PPM of cal-mag before using it. If you use it. If your measurements are correct I would get something else.
I have been in two building fires and was rescued by fireman after not making it out of the apartment on my own in the second fire. We did not have smoke alarms back then. I have them - Smoke and CO² alarms - now and test them regularly.
If cooking is setting off your alarm relocate or buy one designed to accommodate cooking.
I will contact them to see if they want to come aboard and offer some testers?
@Cardinal You obviously understand the rules here - so please feel free to teach and display your work. Sharing knowledge is an underlying part of what we do. Thank you Sir