One time at band camp in the Jurassic period, the CO2 wuz 5 times it is now. There were big huge aminals called dinersours on land and in the sea. Those big land aminals ate the big ol giant plants. The plants grew big cuz of all the CO2 from volcanoes and dinersours fartin' all the time.
All this dinersours fartin' gathered up at the north and south poles, and caused big ole holes in the ozone. This caused the northern lights to go crazy and cause the Earth's ,magnetic poles to flip. ........that's right when those South American Indians said it happened!

The poles swapped so quickly, it sent off a very powerful gravitational wave heading for the sun. It hit the sun just a a huge solar flare was just beginning to erupt. This powerful gravity wave caused solar flare to fall back on it self and a HUGE back pressure developed, back pressure in a huge solar flare is very dangerous for sure!
This back pressure caused a pressure wave heading to the sun's core an bippity-bop-boop, a small black hole was created. This wus no normal black hole though! During the creation of that black hole, for an infinitesimally short instant, there wuz an infinitesimally thin layer of ant-matter surrounding the black hole.
That infinitesimally thin layer of ant-matter reacted with normal matter. Who's to say what's 'normal'? I bet that anti-matter thought it was the 'normal' matter and 'normal' matter was anti-matter! This reaction with 'normal'matter opened a rift in space and the black hole 'fell' thru the rift. At the end of that 'wormhole', the black hole passed by huge asteroid and caused it's path to deviate 3.14159265 microns.
This caused the huge asteroid to change it course and it plowed into the Earth and stopped all the dinersours fartin'! This allowed mammals to take over the Earth!
You're here because a bunch of dinersours farted too much!