Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Haven't seen the sun in a month or so. I'll put up with the accompanying freezing temps for a while :cool1:
Here @Mara Cachafa but it ain’t cheap! ;)
Looks like Suki813 and I are out of the SeedStockers cup grow with shipping screwups.
Oh well! Not like I'm seed poor!
I guess I'll have 4 cup girls if the SSCS cup seeds make it.
Hopefully they will get here this week, but with the way things are going, I'm not holding my breath. LOL!

With the seed tent being idle since the chop of the Asia Haze clone, I've been just waiting to drop the seeds at once. with my seed making part of it. I'm not doing that anymore. Yeah, it would be easier to germ in their own little greenhouse. I can just do the same with clear solo cups, both solid for the first few days and slots cut in if they need a few more days.

With others depending on me for meds, I just can't afford delays like that in any part of my grow. But that's just planning on my part.
Hey Peeps Wanted to Throw This Out Here,
Also to Admin and Staff, (lol Like a Public Service Announcement)
Yes I grow and breed strains now, but None for Sale on AFN, Not in Chat, on here, or PMs. And don’t need testers, as already do have some peeps. I don’t mind talking breeding or my projects, helping others grow autos or photos. Just before someone asks, I don’t want peeps getting into trouble or anything. Yes I haven’t been on in a while, but now figure I’ll come and try be more active on here again. This is the forum I started on and lots of y’all have Welcomed me Home (which is Awesome By The Way, Thanks). With that said, I do Appreciate AFN and the many Amazing peeps on here, New and Older Peeps. Someone have asked if I will be doing a journal again (on live chat). So In the Spirit of my old Home. I’ll start one soon. Maybe start one on a photo I have already started ( Start Date was Oct 2, I think lol). Sorry for the Rant, just don’t want peeps getting called out cause of me.
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