Yeah, that would be the trouble with those videos. They always stop well before the real show begins. No surprise there if continuing the video requires the stoner to not be comatose. I can see it now, a finger hovering over one button or another for a half hour or so while the stoner tries to figure out "is the right button", or more likely "why is my finger here? " And then the real show begins.
The other day when I was
starting to go zombie mode, I was playing GTA Online and doing "Angles and Dangles" (An official Naval Submarine term for putting a submarine thru 'enthusiastic' underwater maneuvers) in P51 style plane. All I wanted to do was fly around a bit, left alone and try some crazy stunts, so I did a glitch to put it God mode so it couldn't be destroyed or take damage. I became conscious in my office chair and I had landed the plane on top of the tallest building in the game. Not an easy feat sober.

What brought me back must have been all the surrounding explosions from the six little squeakers on top of the building and the incessant squeaking of the pre-pubesent little turds playing the game thru game chat coming over the sound bar!
The little turds were "Harshing my CannaCoffe Chill" I just killed them endlessly until they left the lobby or shut up and went passive. A couple little turds didn't learn their lesson and started squeaking, " Nanner nanner nanner! You can't kill us in passive!"
"Jane! You ignorant slut!" 

They quickly learned that they were severely mistaken!
I love it when I made them scream, holler and cry to Mommy or perchance some sort of male figure that's sniffing around Mommy. It's pretty damn evident that this is an
ADULT game and ANY parent that lets their child play this game should have their ass beat for crappy parenting. The only child safe part of this game would be racing and with game chat off.........and that with the parent beside them.
It makes my week when I can get Mommy or "Uncle Joe" on the mike in game chat after their little bundle of "OOPS! I didn't Use Contraception" goes and cries to them. Any sailor would cringe from the language I use these useless POS 'adults'.
It can get quite entertaining when the rest of the lobby chimes in and rags on Uncle Daddy or Crackhead Mommy.
Honestly, It gets really sad when the adult tries to explain why they let their child play this 'Murder simulator'........what I and my friends call GTA.
They are exposing young minds of mush to some pretty graphic visualizations and language............and that's just from the game itself! This doesn't include the 'normal' chit talking that goes on between people playing the game.
I've played this game from the first day it came out and when the came out in 2013. At one time, it was very rare to find an under age kid playing the game. That sure as hell can't be said today. For some that may say, "It's just a video game.".... Ya haven't played the game. You haven't
listened to these 'kids' play this game. It's scaringly real to them!
It's not just how they talk to the game's people. On top of that is how they talk to actual people playing the game. This does occur to a very large percentage of the 'Squeakers" playing the game.
Just the way they talk to everything, assures me that this is actually impacting these young minds of mush. I'm 100% sure that playing the game is desensitizing them to death and anti-social unacceptable conduct in real life.
If you heard exactly how these kids talk while playing the game, it could be your only logical conclusion.
Anyone that plays the game on PS4 or PS5, shoot me a message! If you're poor and don't have much, I can change that pretty quickly!

On a canna note, my little girls may get some real sun this afternoon if the temps come up.